Page Setups

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Tim Riley, Oct 25, 2004.

  1. Tim Riley

    Tim Riley Guest

    I don't know if I'm stupid or just dumb but I can't get this to work. I'm
    trying to plot an EPS file of modelspace limits so I can then pass it
    through ghostscript, making pdf files. However, when I run this code it
    doesn't change any of the modelspace layout properties.


    Public Function PlotToEPS(OutputFile As String) As Boolean
    Dim Layout As AcadLayout
    Dim Plot As AcadPlot
    Dim orig(0 To 1) As Double

    orig(0) = 0
    orig(1) = 0

    For Each Layout In ThisDrawing.Layouts
    If LCase(Layout.Name) = "model" Then
    With Layout
    .ConfigName = "PostScript.pc3"
    .CanonicalMediaName = "ANSI_B_(17.00_x_11.00_Inches)"
    .PaperUnits = acInches
    .PlotType = acLimits
    .StandardScale = acScaleToFit
    .PlotOrigin = orig
    .StyleSheet = "Ricoh.ctb"
    .PlotHidden = True
    .UseStandardScale = True
    .PlotRotation = ac90degrees
    .CenterPlot = True
    End With

    Set Plot = ThisDrawing.Plot
    Plot.PlotToFile OutputFile, "PostScript.pc3"
    Set Plot = Nothing
    PlotToEPS = True
    PlotToEPS = False
    End If
    End Function

    Note: I use the "For Each Layout In ThisDrawing.Layouts" in case I never
    need to make this work with paperspace.

    ~Tim Riley
    Tim Riley, Oct 25, 2004
  2. Tim Riley

    jdinardi Guest

    Seems odd. Have you tried a simple test like just setting the config name then going to your drawing and checking that it actually worked?

    I have never needed to do this but have you tried using Layout.RefreshPlotDeviceInfo? From the help file:

    "Use the RefreshPlotDeviceInfo method before trying to change the ConfigName property. "
    jdinardi, Oct 27, 2004
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