Page setups not holding paper size

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Pete Chenard, Jan 21, 2004.

  1. Pete Chenard

    Pete Chenard Guest

    I'm having problems with page setups. For example....I create a page setup
    for our HP5000 laserjet and select 11x17 for the paper size and save the
    page setup. Then I do a full preview, everything looks fine so I exit back
    to the printing dialogue box and the paper size changes to 8 1/2 x 11 which
    is the default size for the printer. If I pick on my saved page setup it
    will reset it to 11x17 and it prints fine. Then the next time you go to
    plot that layout it comes up with the proper page setup but the size had
    reverted back to the default paper size for the printer which is 8 1/2 x 11.
    So you have to actually pick the saved page setup to get it to go back to
    11x17. Does anyone know why this happens? This happens on all printers and
    plotters that we use. We used to have different printer configurations for
    each paper size and never had problems like this but that is way to much
    work to maintain when you update printer drivers. Is there any way to stop
    this from happening?

    Pete Chenard, Jan 21, 2004
  2. Pete,

    Try setting up a pc3 file by editing the plotter properties to filter out
    the unwanted page sizes. Then save the pc3 to a name indicating the sheet
    Now when you save a page setup with the pc3, only one paper size shows.

    Dave Alexander
    Dave Alexander, Jan 21, 2004
  3. Pete Chenard

    Pete Chenard Guest

    Thanks for the reply Dave. That's basically what we had setup before and
    I'm trying to avoid that. When you have a ton of paper sizes like we do and
    then you need each size to plot in draft, final and enhanced mode it's just
    too many pc3's to update when printer drivers are updated. We print
    everything from 8 1/2x11 to 36x108 and it is a pain to maintain them all
    that way. Right now I basically have one pc3 for each plot quality for each
    printer/plotter with all the paper sizes available and it is much less to
    maintain. But because of the paper size reverting to the default all the
    time we have users plotting to the wrong size paper beause they don't catch
    it. I guess if there is no way to work around this I'll have to go back to
    doing it the other way.
    Pete Chenard, Jan 21, 2004
  4. Pete,

    We never had that many sheet sizes or plot qualities to worry about but I
    know that many pc3's are a pain to scroll through.
    There is a trick with using short-cuts to folders which has been bandied
    about in the n.g. but all that would do is allow you to separate your sheet
    sizes by plot quality which is probably a problem with using named page

    Dave Alexander
    Dave Alexander, Jan 21, 2004
  5. Pete Chenard

    Pete Chenard Guest

    The standard plot configurations are set in the template files. The problem
    only happens when you change the paper size to something that is not the
    default set in the pc3 file. When you are trying to repeat the problem is
    11x17 the default paper size set in the pc3 file? If it is try changing it
    to letter and see if it switches back to 11x17. And yes SAVE CHANGES TO
    LAYOUT is checked.

    Let me try to explain exactly how this is setup and what is happening just
    in case I wasn't clear the first time. Here is an example of a pc3 file
    that is set up for our HP1050C plotter.

    The name of the pc3 file is HP1050C-Enhanced. The default paper size set is
    Arch D - 24 x 36 in. If you print with those settings everything is fine.
    Now, say you need to do a scale to fit reduction to 11 x 17, so you change
    the paper size to ANSI B - 11 x 17 (which is a standard paper size
    available), set it to scale to fit, save a page setup and preview, then when
    you exit the preview the paper size is reset to Arch D - 24 x 36. Or if you
    plot from the preview the plot comes out fine but when you go back into the
    plot dialogue box the page setup is set to the 11 x 17 setup but the paper
    size has switched back to Arch D 24 x 36.

    Because of this problem I will basically have to create about 30+ pc3 files
    rather than 5 to get all sizes at all qualities. If saving the page setup
    won't hold the paper size if it isn't the standard size in the pc3 file then
    what is the point in even allowing the paper size to be changed?

    And we are running Land Desktop 2004 SP2 incase anyone was wondering.

    Pete Chenard, Jan 22, 2004
  6. Pete Chenard

    Pete Chenard Guest

    Can anyone duplicate this problem? From what Dean posted it sounded like he
    was doing something different.

    Pete Chenard, Jan 27, 2004
  7. Pete Chenard

    D. Chaffee Guest

    Are we talking about how the Plot Dialog box will change the paper size
    after exiting the Preview? That happens to me alot and I have yet to figure
    it out.
    I've created the numerous Page Setups in the drawing including custom paper
    sizes. Most of the time I can preview the plot with no trouble but in some
    drawings I'll exit the Preview in order to tweak something and I'll notice
    the Paper Size changes to the same custom size every single time for that

    Aside from adding this to my "1001 Reasons for Cussing at post-ACAD14
    Plotting Procedures" I've exhausted all ideas for solving this problem. I
    too would appreciate some assistance in this matter.
    D. Chaffee, Feb 5, 2004
  8. Pete Chenard

    Ron Meicho Guest

    I have found that for getting page setup values to hold it is best if
    you create or modify a page setup from the PageSetup dialog first, then
    use the Plot dialog to change back and forth between your desired
    devices and page setups. I have had more switching and lost values when
    trying to create from the Plot dialog, especially when my required
    device is new and hasn't been previously accessed in any of my saved
    page setups.

    Ron Meicho
    Ron Meicho, Feb 5, 2004
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