PAD Frames

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Stephen, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. Stephen

    Stephen Guest


    I am a somewhat experienced Cadence user, however I am doing a PAD
    Frame for fabrication for my first time. My question is that why do I
    recieved tens of thousands of errors when running DRC on the pad
    frames? My layout works just fine, but is it normal to recieve so many
    errors? Has anyone fabricated a chip and simply ignored all of these
    errors? Why do they show up in the first place?? Any answers or
    further insight to this problem will be MUCH appreciated.

    Also, I have gone to the following website for the schematics on my pad
    frames and components (I am using the AMI C5N technology):

    However, this does not list all of the available components and their
    schematics, and it is also quite out of date. Does anyone have a
    newer, more complete list available? Thank you very much for your help!
    Stephen, Jun 27, 2006
  2. Stephen

    sunkey.zheng Guest

    may the PAD have different DRC rule as the core area have. Normally,
    the foundry may provide the IO design rule alone .
    sunkey.zheng, Jun 27, 2006
  3. Stephen

    Ned Brush Guest

    Not to step up as a "good" example, but I've taped out several times and
    we always run DRC/LVS without the pad frame and cross our fingers that
    the pad frame is correct. We usually triple check the pad frame by eye.
    There must be a better way because people who came before me in my
    group definitely got chips back with pad frame problems (things like
    gnd-vdd short in the ESD). So, it is an option, but it's a scary one.
    Ned Brush, Jun 27, 2006
  4. Stephen

    Stephen Guest

    First off, thank you both for replying, because I am the only one in my
    lab group, so I don't have anyone else to ask.

    sunkey, you mentioned that the lDRC rules are different for the PAD
    frames. Well, my pad frames are from MOSIS, and the foundry they will
    be sent to is MOSIS for fabrication. However, I can't find any
    different DRC rules on this site... although I have to admit, I'm not
    very good at searching through it. If this is true, does anyone else
    know where these DRC rules may be?

    Ned, when you run LVS, you don't get problems like merged nets that
    tell you the GND and VDD are connected together? I haven't tried LVS
    yet because I have been trying to fix DRC, however I thought LVS would
    have so many problems that it wouldn't even run.

    Does anyone know how to set up the pad frames so that they don't give
    us errors? I've actually heard of people creating their own pad frames
    (professors, of course, who copyright them or something) so they don't
    have these problems, but shouldn't the ones supplied by MOSIS work?
    Stephen, Jun 27, 2006
  5. Stephen

    jayl-news Guest

    To answer that, we would have to know:

    1) What rules are being flagged.
    2) What layout is generating those flags.

    The flags might be false, they might be real, you might be
    missing a tag layer that identifies some structure as "pad"
    and changes the rule in question, etc.

    jayl-news, Jun 28, 2006
  6. Stephen

    Stephen Guest


    The errors I recieve are all due to the pad frame, and these are as

    ******** Summary of rule violations for cell " " ********
    # errors --> Violated Rules
    12646 --> (SCMOS Inst) Edge not on grid
    122 --> (SCMOS Rule 10.4) pad to unrelated metal2 spacing: 30um
    72 --> (SCMOS Rule 10.4) pad to unrelated metal3 spacing: 30um
    320 --> (SCMOS Rule 2.5) active of different implant spacing: 0 or 1.20
    15750 --> (SCMOS Rule 3.1) poly width: 0.60 um
    40 --> (SCMOS Rule 7.2) metal1 spacing: 0.90 um
    18600 --> (SCMOS_SUBM Rule 3.2) poly spacing: 0.90 um
    8 --> (SCMOS_SUBM Rule 9.2) metal2 spacing: 0.90 um
    176 --> Improperly formed shape - active, nactive or pactive
    40 --> Improperly formed shape - metal1
    352 --> Improperly formed shape - metal2
    88 --> Improperly formed shape - nselect
    88 --> Improperly formed shape - nwell
    88 --> Improperly formed shape - pselect
    20 --> Non-Manhattan shape - poly
    6800 --> Non-Manhattan shape - poly

    55210 Total errors found

    I've done some more research on this problem, and from what I've
    gathered in other user groups is that everyone has this problem, and no
    one (to my knowledge) has posted a solution to it yet. This problem
    has been talked about for 4 or 5 years now too (according to dates I'm
    finding in Yahoo! groups and elsewhere), so I think it would be a good
    idea to find a solution now if possible.

    Also, I've talked to the guy in charge of the Cadence software at my
    university, and he said that the pad frames were initially built for
    the Tanner products, and while they work(ed) for those products, they
    may not pass DRC for Cadence because of some rule differences. If this
    is true, this would explain the difference between the documentation on
    the MOSIS website (from 1998), and the discrepencies between that and
    all of the extra cells MOSIS allows us to download. What do you think
    about this?

    For the record, I tried placing a "pad" drawing around the pad frames
    in the layout, and when I ran DRC again I got the same errors as shown
    above. Jay (or anyone else), do you think I need another layer that I
    don't have?

    Anymore ideas on this problem? As before, thank you all very much for
    your help!
    Stephen, Jun 28, 2006
  7. Stephen

    Stephen Guest

    I apologize, in the error list above, the 20 errors is due to a
    non-manhattan shape for metal2, not poly. So the list should be:
    Stephen, Jun 28, 2006
  8. Stephen

    S. Badel Guest

    That's pretty weird, I have to say. What if a real error slipped in, how would you tell it out of
    55k fake errors?

    I've witnessed cases where skipping the DRC/ERC would have led to a non-working chip so I agree with
    Ned that it's quite scary to do that.

    Think if I were you, I'd contact the foundry (or whoever provides the IOs) to make sure.

    I never used these, so I can't be much more helpful.

    Good luck,
    S. Badel, Jun 28, 2006
  9. Stephen

    jayl-news Guest

    The only pad-related rules here are the two sets of 10.4 flags.

    I don't understand your confusion about the rest; if your DRM
    says poly/poly space is 0.90um and you have 18600 places
    where you violate that, you have to go fix them, period, end
    of discussion. In the rest of your chip, do you just say "oh,
    0.80um poly space is close enough"? No, you don't.
    The solution is you fix the layout.
    I think this doesn't really make sense. Tanner is not the wafer fab.
    Cadence is not the wafer fab. MOSIS is not the wafer fab. Whoever
    the wafer fab (foundry) is, they set the rules. The layout has to
    NO, NO! Unless your tech setup is very unusual, ("pad" "drawing")
    is the passivation opening for the bond pads. DO NOT DRAW IT
    anywhere else.

    jayl-news, Jun 28, 2006
  10. Stephen

    Stephen Guest


    Yes, I understand how to fix all of the simple errors, but I'm not
    going to do that if I still have hundreds of errors due to SCMOS Rules
    10.1 through 10.4 that I don't understand. Your end of story is not
    the true 'end of story', because there are still all of these other
    errors, and I don't feel comfortable sending out a fabrication when
    there are errors in the DRC. Is there not an easier way to solve this
    problem? If I go through and fix 55,000 errors, I will have to flatten
    the instantiated cell that I downloaded from MOSIS, then spend hours
    going through the layout. I could probably create a pad frame faster
    than that, from scratch. I know I can solve half of the problems or
    so, minimum, just by aligning the layout to the grid, but the errors
    like "active of different implant spacing: 0 or 1.20 um" don't make any
    sense to me, and if I still have them after I fix all of the other
    problems, I will not know what to do. Can you (or anyone else) provide
    a better definition of what this means? And again, thank you very much
    for the time you've spent in this post.

    Thanks for the info about the pad drawing also - this being my first
    time with a pad frame, I had never used it before, and I did not know
    what it did.
    Stephen, Jun 28, 2006
  11. Stephen

    Stephen Guest


    Simply by checking 1 box while importing the CIF files from MOSIS, I
    have been able to knock down the amount of errors from over 55,000 to
    just over 1,000! (Fixing all of these errors manually would take
    hours, rather than seconds as it did here).

    For those who need this information as well, what I did was the
    following after I downloaded the latest CIF files from MOSIS:

    At the icfb window:

    file --> import --> CIF
    <set your run directory>
    <set the imput file name for your CIF file>
    <set the library name you are importing your CIF files into>

    click on "options"

    CHECK the box that says "Snap XY to Grid Resolution". By default, this
    box is left UNCHECKED, so you must check that box!!!

    Click "okay" then import your CIF files. As I mentioned earlier,
    judging by the errors I was getting (and viewing the layouts), it was
    obvious that most of these errors are coming from the "edge not on
    grid" problem. The following errors I recieve NOW are:

    ********* Summary of rule violations for cell " " *********
    # errors Violated Rules
    114 (SCMOS Rule 10.4) pad to unrelated metal2 spacing: 30 um
    72 (SCMOS Rule 10.4) pad to unrelated metal3 spacing: 30 um
    320 (SCMOS Rule 2.5) active of different implant spacing: 0 or
    1.20 um
    176 Improperly formed shape - active, nactive or pactive
    40 Improperly formed shape - metal1
    352 Improperly formed shape - metal2
    88 Improperly formed shape - nwell
    1162 Total errors found

    I'll post more updates as I find more answers to this problem, if
    possible. In the meantime, I still do not understand what the
    following line means:

    320 (SCMOS Rule 2.5) active of different implant spacing: 0 or 1.20

    Any information on this would be MUCH appreciated! And as always,
    thank you for your help in this problem.
    Stephen, Jun 28, 2006
  12. Stephen

    mk Guest

    I think it means active regions should either be touching or at least
    1.2um apart. It seems you have two different active regions which are
    less than 1.2u and more than 0u apart.
    mk, Jun 28, 2006
  13. Stephen

    Stephen Guest

    Stephen, Jun 28, 2006
  14. Stephen

    jayl-news Guest

    Yup, I can.

    BTW, hopefully, you've got paper/PDF documentation for the
    design rules; usually there are little example drawings there.

    Suppose you've got two drawn implant layers, PPLUS and NPLUS,
    but you use these to generate lots of other layers (VT implant, LDD,
    etc. In the generation, you might do something like:

    foo = NWELL andnot (PPLUS or NPLUS).

    Now, you *want* to allow PPLUS and NPLUS to abut (so you
    can make butting taps), that would be 0um space.

    But if you allowed NPLUS and PPLUS to be 0.1um apart, that
    would generate a 0.1um sliver of layer foo, bad for mask making
    and photo, you can't resolve that. The smallest foo you can
    resolve is 1.2um wide.

    So you have a rule that the allowed NPLUS/PPLUS space
    is either >= 1.2um, or exactly zero. Overlap is not
    (typically) allowed, and 0 < space < 1.2um is not allowed.

    jayl-news, Jun 29, 2006
  15. Stephen

    Stephen Guest

    Thanks Jay. That clears up a lot of confusion. I appreciate the help!
    Stephen, Jun 30, 2006
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