Overwriting a distributed job name by purpose

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Svenn Are Bjerkem, May 18, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    working distributed in a grid environment is quite fun. Problem is only
    that the job name always has to be unique. This cause a bit problem for
    me when I want to rerun a particular simulation. I usually give my
    simulation jobs feasible names and not just "job". If I try to reuse a
    name then the system complains that it is not unique. This is not that
    much a problem when running interactive. The problem comes when I want
    to automate the task of making plots by OCEAN. The job is divided
    between two OCEAN scripts: one that runs the simulations and one that
    performs the evaluation.

    The reason is that I want to be able to rerun the simulations on an
    interactive basis, but the evaluation is done in one batch as soon as
    all simulations are in a state where I can say that the data are stable.
    I have some 20 different simulations on the same top level (but with
    different configurations down the hierarcy) and I want to compare all
    these 20 simulations the way I do a corner simulation. (overlay). Here
    the naming problems occure: If I have to rerun one of these 20
    simulations manually, the name change and I have to change the
    evaluation OCEAN script also.

    Now I hope you understand why, and then the question is how to *force*
    ADE to accept an already existing job name and overwrite those existing
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, May 18, 2005
  2. Svenn Are Bjerkem

    Satya Mishra Guest

    Satya Mishra, May 18, 2005
  3. Svenn,

    OCEAN has a function for this:


    So if you do:

    name1=run(?jobName "myjob")
    name2=run(?jobName "myjob")

    name1 will be myjob, whereas name2 will be myjob001.
    If I then do:

    name1=run(?jobName "myjob")

    name1 will be myjob again.


    Andrew Beckett, May 23, 2005
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