Oversized plots are now rotate

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by sjohnson, Jan 26, 2004.

  1. sjohnson

    sjohnson Guest

    Hi All,

    In the past, with A2k, we have always used the oversized Arch D (24x36) paper size and we were able to create a 24" long plot on a 36" roll. Anything outside the physical margins of the plotter like tick marks for sheet placement, would not be plotted. Now with Autocad 2004 all plots are forced to rotate 90.
    Switching to normal Arch D fixes the problem but we have 100's of title blocks with nodes that maintain proper sheet placement and changing margins excludes the nodes and messes up sheet placement.

    We switched from an NT 4.0 shared printer server to a W2K server so I'm almost certain that the W2K drivers are to blame.

    Is this a characteristic of the new driver and we have to change our drawings or am I missing a setting??


    sjohnson, Jan 26, 2004
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