Overriding blocks

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by RC, Dec 8, 2004.

  1. RC

    RC Guest


    Lately I'm working with only 3D, -exhibits design, usually I have 2 types of
    1st, as a general assembly,
    2nd, detailed,
    --I'm MDT user as well, that gave me idea to somehow use this "parts /ass-y"
    I can not update, let say, block in drwg 1 with block from drwg 2,
    if I confirm to override the block or not, (with same name), or WBlock or
    copy & paste.
    Inserted block becomes the same as existing,
    Blocks are complex, some have many levels of blocks within blocks.
    My intension is to work in detail drwg (2), as work progress,
    update the ass-y drwg (1) periodically to verify.
    I should have them separate, because, files gets very big, lots of layouts
    Very slow, even on fast computer.
    Can be this done??
    I'm experience Acad user -since R12,

    RC, Dec 8, 2004
  2. RC

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    Sounds like you should be using XREF's instead of blocks. Except for annotation type blocks, a block in a drawing is really only useful if the block is going to be used several times in that file. As soon as you start talking assemblies, especially if they'll be needed in more than one file, you need to investigate XREF's.
    OLD-CADaver, Dec 8, 2004
  3. RC

    RC Guest

    In situation where files are not moved around,
    in my case files are moved to other location, and the xref connection is
    Some blocks are used 20 times.
    Thanks anyway,

    annotation type blocks, a block in a drawing is really only useful if the
    block is going to be used several times in that file. As soon as you start
    talking assemblies, especially if they'll be needed in more than one file,
    you need to investigate XREF's.
    RC, Dec 8, 2004
  4. RC

    RC Guest

    In my company, network, many users etc,
    does not really work, other users might move, use the files only, not being
    aware of xrefs.....etc.
    Following sample message, when I try to re-define a block
    Command: i
    Duplicate definition of block Leveler ignored.
    Duplicate definition of block Box Side ignored.
    Duplicate definition of block M box Back ignored.
    Duplicate definition of block M box Front ignored.
    Duplicate definition of block Glass support ignored.
    Duplicate definition of block Light Fixture ignored.
    Duplicate definition of block Glass support LONG ignored.
    Regenerating model.
    Specify insertion point or [Scale/X/Y/Z/Rotate/PScale/PX/PY/PZ/PRotate]:
    Regenerating model.


    XREF's are fine. You're attempting to update one assembly from the other,
    that is exactly what XREF's were developed to do.
    RC, Dec 8, 2004
  5. RC

    David Kozina Guest

    Can you use the = specifier in the -insert command?


    (in particular note the post by Tom Smith this a.m. regarding how to use
    that specifier)

    Now, since you say your blocks are nested, I would suggest you re-define the
    most deeply nested blocks FIRST, and slowly shovel your way to the top of
    the pile. :)
    (You would basically have to do the same sequencing with respects to xrefs,
    too, btw, but it'd probably be easier, 'cuz you'd have access to the xref
    manager for this.)

    David Kozina

    David Kozina, Dec 8, 2004
  6. RC

    OLD-CADaver Guest

    <<In my company, network, many users etc, does not really work, other users might move, use the files only, not being
    aware of xrefs.....etc.>>

    Sorry, but that is extremely poor Cad Management and will be the source for continued errors and lost manhours. If not corrected it will only get worse as the industry moves into more and more complex constructions.

    XREF's have been around since R11, that's 14 years. There is no good reason anyone using ACAD today would be unaware of the tool.

    <<Following sample message, when I try to re-define a block
    Command: i
    Duplicate definition of block Leveler ignored.
    Those are blocks contained in both the current drawing, and the block you're trying to import. If they have changed in the imported block, they must be redefined in the target file as well. Either wblock them all from the block drawing and reimport each, or delete them from the target drawing and purge.

    Or better yet, utilize the proper tool for the job, XREF. You're driving a screw with a hammer because you don't want to use a screw driver.
    OLD-CADaver, Dec 8, 2004
  7. RC

    RC Guest

    I really like the comparison hammer /screwdriver and screw, and agree, but
    trust me, in my company will not work
    only for me - Yes.,
    than Question
    What function / purpose have the RE-DEFYING. or not

    Appreciate help,

    users might move, use the files only, not being
    for continued errors and lost manhours. If not corrected it will only get
    worse as the industry moves into more and more complex constructions.
    reason anyone using ACAD today would be unaware of the tool.
    you're trying to import. If they have changed in the imported block, they
    must be redefined in the target file as well. Either wblock them all from
    the block drawing and reimport each, or delete them from the target drawing
    and purge.
    a screw with a hammer because you don't want to use a screw driver.
    RC, Dec 9, 2004
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