Outrageously Large SLDPRT filesize.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by George.Maddever, Apr 9, 2008.

  1. Hi All,

    I've been working for some time on a pressed metal part file that has
    gradually grown in size to over 100MB. The file has become cumbersome
    to open and unstable at times due to this. I've run it through
    ECOSqueeze and UNFRAG.exe and as yet have had little luck at chopping
    much off the filesize.

    It's a sheetmetal part with several "forming tool" pressings in it
    with configurations for different sizes and combinations of the
    pressings. There is also some photoworks data (materials/scene/decal)
    attached to the part.

    I got a little annoyed with it the other day and saved a copy of it to
    work on to try and reduce the file size. I gradually deleted out the
    features one by one until I arrived back at the base flange only with
    no attached photoworks data. By saving this file and running that
    through ECOSqueeze / UNFRAG.exe I ended up with a file that was
    another 25MB LARGER than the original file. Doing a "save as" on this
    blank file yielded an equally weighty filesize.

    Are there any further tips and tricks for reducing the filesize of
    this back to sensible levels? I'm sure there's no good reason for this
    file to be so large. There's very little complex geometry and I
    suspect that the filesize has something to do with the legacy data
    contained within that can now be stripped out.

    Any advice gratefully received.

    George Maddever.
    George.Maddever, Apr 9, 2008
  2. Hi Daisy,

    thanks for that.

    I'm running 2.7 SP2.0. I've got the latest service packs and have been
    meaning to upgrade but I've not yet bothered. Sounds like this might
    be the perfect excuse to go and have an upgrade and see if that fixes
    the problem! Certainly something to try for starters :)
    George.Maddever, Apr 9, 2008
  3. George.Maddever

    Ronni Guest

    Also try a full rebuild.

    This can only be done form a macro now a days.. The call is:

    swModel.ForceRebuild3 False
    Ronni, Apr 9, 2008
  4. George.Maddever

    fcsuper Guest

    Update to at least SolidWorks 2007 SP3.0. This will fix the problems
    with file size growing. Files with large sizes should also be fixed
    when re-saved under the updated SP.

    Matt Lorono
    fcsuper, Apr 9, 2008
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