Output from dialog boxes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by SiBanny, Jul 13, 2004.

  1. SiBanny

    SiBanny Guest

    Hi there. I'm writing a dialog box using radio buttons, and would like to know what one does to get the values associated with the chosen radio buttons into a filename.

    More specifically, I want to be able to have 2 columns, the user picks one radio button from each column, and the particular combination coincides with a particular script file on the company's server.

    As usual, any help will be greatly appreciated...
    SiBanny, Jul 13, 2004
  2. SiBanny

    BillZ Guest

    The value of a radio row or column can be examined when the accept key is pressed:

    (action_tile "accept" "(setq val_1 (get_tile \"rad_row\"))(done_dialog 1)")

    Then depending on what radio button was pressed a script fle can be executed.

    Why do you need more tahn one radio button pressed?

    BillZ, Jul 13, 2004
  3. Also..

    You can retrieve the selected radio button's key by using get_tile on the radio button container (i.e. - (boxed) column or row)

    petersciganek, Jul 13, 2004
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