Outlining text

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Paul Martin, May 1, 2008.

  1. Paul Martin

    Paul Martin Guest

    My apologies for quite probably using all the wrong technical terms but I am
    only an amatuer user of LT2008 and i can't figure out how to achive

    I have drawn a rectangle. In that rectangle I have placed some text.

    What I want to achieve is a solid fill of the area inside the rectangle up
    to the edge of the text. What happens at the moment is that it fills to an
    imaginary rectangle around the text and not up to the text. I also need to
    be able to add solid fill into the centres of closed letters such B

    By way of an example of what i am trying to achieve think of a nameplate in
    which the letters and border are raised and polishes brass and the
    background is sunken and painted red.

    Thanks in anticipation

    Paul Martin
    Paul Martin, May 1, 2008
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