OTC [Offshore Technology Conference

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Navy Diver, May 11, 2006.

  1. Navy Diver

    Navy Diver Guest

    sent this to SW on OTC pavillion:

    Dear SolidWorks Corporation:

    For what my opinion and a few well intentioned suggestions may be worth
    to you: I attended the OTC (Offshore Technology Conference) in Houston
    this past Wednesday, May 3th, and was particularly unimpressed with
    SolidWorks miserable (and seemingly miserly) presentation. The
    display booth was first of all located in the hot and steamy outdoors
    in a small, nondescript, wind-whipped, tent totally inappropriate for a
    supposedly 'world class', 3D parametric, CAD software instead of
    inside the main AIR-CONDITIONED, exhibit hall. Does SolidWorks
    Corporation think designers such as myself would actually be using your
    CAD software out of doors in a hostile climate such that of Houston
    Texas?! For oil derricks or mud-shaker equipment I could understand
    but software?....software?!! To make matters even worse: I seriously
    doubt that demo computers could even be relied upon to function
    properly in the 90-100 degree heat Houston is so famous for. If the
    totally inappropriate physical setting were not enough, I also observed
    pathetic group of Solidworks sales people, dressed in stealth-black
    uniforms, milling around as if they had no clue as to what they were
    for. Contrast this seemingly inept presentation with your chief
    competitor, Auto Desk, with its impressive showing which was,
    appropriately, inside the exhibit hall and fortified by a large,
    knowledgeable staff with ample presentation equipment. Though it may
    have in fact been there, I curiously did not notice either computers or
    video presentation equipment at Solidworks outdoor 'Canvas Palace'.
    Thankfully, I did however notice that Dassault Systemes S.A., your
    parent company, was not guilty of the same major mistake because it was
    located indoors. Would it have been a mistake to reach both potential,
    high-end CATIA and mid-range Solidworks users under the same Dassault
    parent umbrella - sharing a booth and fittingly inside?

    While I fully understand that display space is expensive at the
    world's largest oil & gas event, OTC, I none the less feel that
    Solidworks forfeited an important showing opportunity in its miserly,
    outdoor, canvas headquarters. To give you a background: I am a senior
    designer working for a medium size, down-hole, tool company which uses
    you product exclusively. Pathfinder Engineering, for example, was not
    notified of the your planned presence at this major event let alone
    offered a few complimentary OTC passes as is the normal
    Supplier/Customer practice in this industry. I do indeed take pride in
    the fact that I have made my living with your product since I began
    using Solidworks in 1998 so I trust that these proceeding impressions
    (and suggestions) may be both timely and of some benefit to your
    organization. With this in mind, I would have expected more from
    Solidworks at OTC. And finally: I fully understand that there may have
    been unforeseen, mitigating circumstances involved resulting in why
    Solidworks was unable to obtain suitable display space for this all
    important event. If indeed this was the case, I sincerely apologize
    for my hasty opinions. If not, I believe you have a great opportunity
    for improving your marketing exposure in this region of the country.
    In either case: thank you very much for your interest and continued

    Sincerely and Respectfully Yours:

    Navy Diver
    Navy Diver, May 11, 2006
  2. Navy Diver

    smokepole Guest

    How oridinal, Mr. G-35!

    smokepole, May 11, 2006
  3. Navy Diver

    Smoke-pole Guest

    How original, Mr. G-35!
    Smoke-pole, May 11, 2006
  4. Thanks for taking the time to write to them. A well written, calm, sensible
    letter will hopefully be read and attended to properly. And to think - he
    hangs out here with us - makes one proud! :)

    Wayne Tiffany, May 11, 2006
  5. Navy Diver

    ken.maren Guest

    Mr. Diver,

    I think your letter was well written but sometimes these booth's are
    run by the local VAR and not by SolidWorks themselves. As I look at
    the SolidWorks website they make no mention of being at the show of
    having it scheduled as run by corporate SolidWorks. Unfortunately for
    SolidWorks it is their name that is splattered all over the tent you
    mentioned. My guess is that this was under a VAR's control and when
    SolidWorks reads your email the VAR that ran that booth is going to get
    slapped around.

    ken.maren, May 11, 2006
  6. Navy Diver

    Navy Diver Guest


    this was SolidWorks Corporation and not any VAR. only select persons
    were notified to attend the un-event
    Navy Diver, May 11, 2006
  7. Navy Diver

    TOP Guest

    Navy Diver,

    What in your opinion makes SW suited for Oil and Gas Equipment?

    TOP, May 11, 2006
  8. Navy Diver

    Cliff Guest

    Perhaps they were expecting better weather in the spring ..
    Cliff, May 11, 2006
  9. Navy Diver

    IYM Guest

    Since Navy Diver is familiar with "down-hole" oil drilling, he would be
    familiar with my company's inclination recorder, (seen here
    http://www.precipart.com/oil.html) which is designed in SolidWorks and
    measures the angle of the drilling hole. It's fairly complicated. We also
    were working on a gearbox design for an inspection device that crawls
    through oil filled pipelines. Is this what you mean by SWx suited for Oil
    exploration and gas equipment? Just curious, not flaming....

    IYM, May 12, 2006
  10. Navy Diver

    TOP Guest

    That's two companies. Is that all?
    TOP, May 12, 2006
  11. Navy Diver

    dlevy Guest

    Nope. I'm in the oilfield and even had a booth inside at OTC!

    I prefer SW not advertise........
    dlevy, May 12, 2006
  12. Navy Diver

    Cliff Guest

    What do you oil the gears with?
    Cliff, May 12, 2006
  13. Navy Diver

    ms Guest

    duh, Cliff. Oil.
    ms, May 13, 2006
  14. Navy Diver

    mjlombard Guest

    I used to work at a company that made equipment used by the oil and gas
    industry. The equipment itself didn't go down the hole, but the sensor
    did. I'm sure like any industry, they use a lot of different types of
    equipment. Ours was sheetmetal, electronics and optics, which I
    consider SW pretty well suited for.
    mjlombard, May 14, 2006
  15. Navy Diver

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, May 14, 2006
  16. Navy Diver

    Smoke-Pole Guest

    Mr. Diver:

    You have not only wantonly plagiarized and taken thus unwarranted (nor
    deserved) credit for my adroit commentary on the recent
    'SoiledWorks' display fiasco -IF THAT WERE NOT ENOUGH: you are
    still into me for the parking fee, 'Mr. Diver'!! What audacity!
    What n-e-r-v-e!

    I rest my case, ace!


    Mr. Smoke-Pole

    Navy Diver wrote:
    Smoke-Pole, May 15, 2006
  17. Navy Diver

    Navy Diver Guest


    Thank you for exposing me but I just couldn't resist such an austute
    observation and needed to 'tell the world'.

    Sorry I forgot about the parking fees. Many happy returns!

    Navy Diver, May 15, 2006
  18. Navy Diver

    Navy Diver Guest

    it would be suited to any mechanical design software
    Navy Diver, May 16, 2006
  19. Navy Diver

    cdubea Guest


    I asked CJ (the local area rep for Swx) who he pissed off and his
    response was that Corp had lost the paperwork he submitted to get a
    real booth. So, they got all that was available. CJ indicated that
    next's year's booth was already reserved and paid for. Lighten up, it
    sounds like an honest mistake.

    To all those out there who want to know which oil field companies use
    SolidWorks we have:

    T D Williamson
    Perry Slingsby Submarine Systems,
    etc, etc, etc.

    In the past, the oil field was most driven by ProE. There has been a
    migration over the past 5 years to SolidWorks. I know as I was one of
    the first users of SolidWorks in this community in 97.
    cdubea, May 16, 2006
  20. Navy Diver

    Cliff Guest

    Many firms use many different systems.
    Cliff, May 17, 2006
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