OT - Video card prevents startup

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by anonymouse.13, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. I came in the other morning and my hard drive wouldn't even spin up, as
    long as I had my video card installed. Fortunately, we have a
    workstation not in use right now. I swapped cards between the machines
    and mine started up fine and the other station no longer would. Swapped
    the cards back and my machien no longer started.
    So, clearly, it's something in the video card. Anybody have any ideas?
    Is it dead and gone? I'm just wondering if I need to source a
    replacement for when that extra workstation becomes occupied, or is
    there a potentially simple fix.


    Video Card: Quadro4 900 XGL, AGP
    Dell Precision 340 WS
    WinXP Pro, SP2
    1024 GB RAM
    anonymouse.13, Oct 2, 2006
  2. anonymouse.13

    WT Guest

    I had a similar experience one time with a modem. My guess is that
    something happens that draws too much current or something, and the
    system recognizes that and refuses to power up the power supply as a
    protective measure. I would say that it's time for a new card.

    WT, Oct 2, 2006
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