OT- tons o'spam & your favorive AV program?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Whit, Sep 19, 2003.

  1. Whit

    Whit Guest

    Since yesterday I've received over 200 spams, mostly MS Critical
    Updates, Critical Internet Updates, etc, all BS, worms, virii, or
    cleaned up by my ISP.

    I've never had to deal with this carp before, I'm wondering will the
    flood of BS ever stop or should I set up a new email addy?

    Also what's your preferred AV program?

    I tried Grisoft but the computer locked up as it was scanning the HD. It
    made it thru 27550 files and 6.7Gb (about half) before everything
    stopped. Dead mouse, dead keyboard, *clock stopped!*, had to use the
    power button on the case to turn the machine off- bad huh?

    XP Pro, Athlon 1800xp, 1Gb ram, GeForce Ti4400, 80Gb Western Digital HD

    Whit, Sep 19, 2003
  2. I've been getting the same thing here at work, starting yesterday
    afternoon - I get about 1 every 30 seconds - not fun. I have been working
    on the rules wizard in Outlook to route them to a junk folder, but I'm
    hoping the onslaught will end sometime soon.

    As far as Grisoft goes, I've installed in on about 20 machines and no
    problems with any of them, except for one. On that one, sometimes after
    doing a full scan, the machine doesn't want to power down. But other than
    that, I am well pleased with the protection factor, ease of use, and the
    cost - free.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 19, 2003
  3. Whit

    JJ Guest

    Ditto. Same messages, same time frame. Some bot must have vacuumed the list.
    JJ, Sep 19, 2003
  4. same sh*t here...
    grisoft is an AV, not an anti-spam
    I use Spamnet from http://www.cloudmark.com/. It is free too and does a
    great job
    Philippe Guglielmetti, Sep 19, 2003
  5. Whit

    Whit Guest

    I'm still clinging to NS4.7 for my email/newsreader, but it's seems more dated
    every day. I don't think it has a filter function either, at least I can't
    find it.

    A lot of people I know use it and never have a problem - I on the other

    I guess I'll delete the folder it stopped on yesterday and try re-running it.
    It was an old Gates Belts calculator program I haven't used in a couple years
    Whit, Sep 19, 2003
  6. I'm getting the same thing - 117 messages this morning and like Wayne,
    another one every few minutes. I even got one with a list of names that I
    recognize from this newsgroup. I've had these before but certainly not to
    this degree.

    delete, delete, delete, delete....

    Richard Doyle, Sep 19, 2003
  7. Wayne Tiffany, Sep 19, 2003
  8. Whit

    Krister L Guest


    it looks as You have Your real e-mail adress visible here....I made a look
    back and noticed You had a fake adress like @home.....people are scanning
    these groups for adresses, so put in a spamblocker somewhere in the adress
    or use a fake one...

    Krister L, Sep 19, 2003
  9. Whit

    Devin Hughey Guest

    I am at 190 of the same hoax virus.

    Getting them even faster now.
    Devin Hughey, Sep 19, 2003
  10. Whit

    Devin Hughey Guest

    I use SpamPal, it's great but these Microsoft hoax viruses are not being
    caught and I would have to have 100 rules to catch all of them.
    Devin Hughey, Sep 19, 2003
  11. Whit

    Whit Guest

    Thanks Krister. Actually @ustin is fake too, but I did slip a few times this
    week and left the correct one in there, working from home with a bum knee this
    week. Thing is, I have to change it back to the real one to check my inbox,
    then I'll forget to change it back before I post here. Ain't it grand! :eek:/
    Whit, Sep 19, 2003
  12. Whit

    Krister L Guest

    Sorry to say I have no good answer to this....I use Outlook express...always
    did... and it works fine for me...maybe someone else in this group can give
    You an answer


    Alan Etzkorn <> skrev i
    Krister L, Sep 19, 2003
  13. Whit

    Krister L Guest

    Yepp ....it's grand ...I made the same mistake once....maybe one year
    ago....and still suffering from it
    I'm very very careful about my office adress ...but made the mistake for a
    couple of days ..and there it was.,..still getting offers about penis
    enlargements...(although noone made any complaints so far) and
    mortages...and this really makes me feel frustrated....

    Krister L, Sep 19, 2003
  14. Whit

    Joel Moore Guest

    Including a real address in your USENET postings has been a bad idea for so
    long now I'm surprised newsreaders don't issue loud warnings when filling
    in the email address fields during setup. "WARNING! Only insert a valid
    address here if you are exceptionally lonely and/or bored and would enjoy
    reading messages from millions of idiots who are equally pathetic!"

    Or some such thing.

    I imagine even a simple "NOSPAM" isn't good enough anymore. I'm sure
    harvesters have learned how to remove many of the basic munging phrases.
    Plus you never know when you're going to piss of some fellow human who
    decides to sprinkle your adress around himself.
    Joel Moore, Sep 19, 2003
  15. Whit

    Nick E. Guest

    Nick E., Sep 20, 2003
  16. Philippe Guglielmetti, Sep 20, 2003
  17. Whit

    jon banquer Guest

    the spam is generated by a worm....

    It may in fact be but I have run the swen patch and it
    found nothing on my machine. Still, my Yahoo e-mail
    account can fill up in 15 minutes. Don't think it's as
    simple a deal as you make it out to be. I wish it was,

    jon banquer, Sep 20, 2003
  18. Whit

    jon banquer Guest

    I meant that your RECIEVE the spam from infected people.
    So how do you see someone like Yahoo resolving this shit so peoples
    6 meg mail boxs are not jammed to the hilt in 10 minutes ? I'm surprised
    the bandwith this spam takes up has not brought Yahoo to it's knees

    jon banquer, Sep 20, 2003
  19. Whit

    Habib Guest

    You might try increasing setting spam filtering with ISP if available.

    Helped here. Cut to about 20% of before.
    Habib, Sep 20, 2003
  20. Whit

    Habib Guest

    You might try increasing setting spam filtering with ISP if available.

    Helped here. Cut to about 20% of before.
    Habib, Sep 20, 2003
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