OT - the US is a lousy world citizen

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Dec 10, 2005.

  1. neil

    YouGoFirst Guest

    YouGoFirst, Dec 14, 2005
  2. neil

    Brian Guest

    I'd like to point out that even by the most conservative estimates,
    during the last 20 years or so of Saddam's rule at least 500,000 Iraqi
    citizens have "gone missing" and are presumed dead. Some simple math puts
    that at a low average of ~25,000 per year. I'm not saying that 35,000
    deaths in the last 18 months is a good thing.... but in relative terms, its
    an improvement. Some of the estimates I've read have the previous 20 year
    average well over 100,000/year.

    Brian Hokanson
    Brian, Dec 14, 2005
  3. neil

    kurgan Guest

    That's not a good reason for us to be there.

    Saddamm was doing the same shit when he was our ally, during the
    Iran-Iraq War. A war which he started, caused a million deaths. We
    backed him and not the Iranians. We backed him while he was gassing the

    Why? Because it was in our self-interest (the Iranians were an even
    bigger enemy). Why else? Because *all* the governments in the region
    are not democratic and are extremely repressive.

    Anyone ever heard of the town of Hama, Syria? They had the temerity to
    hold their own impromptu election for local officials. Hafez Assad
    killed every last person in the place and had it razed to the ground -
    it is now agricultural land. 20,000 people in one fell swoop.

    The reason you never hear shit like that is because it's not unusual.
    You never heard shit about Saddamm until he invaded Kuwait, a war that
    from a humanitarian standpoint, was peanuts compared to the bloodbath
    of the Iran-Iraq War.


    K. Gringioni.
    kurgan, Dec 14, 2005
  4. neil

    kurgan Guest

    The problem with that notion is that Iraq never attacked us. Saddamm
    Hussein was never a religious zealot - his government was secular and
    he even had a Christian (Tariq Aziz) as his foreign minister.

    Al Qaeda considered him to be anathema. He was interested in personal
    power and AQ wants a pan-Islamic state. The two are not compatible.
    Anyone who had studied the Middle East at all knew this - it's
    incredible that the neocons were able to convince themselves otherwise.

    The Afghan War is the correct one, if you're talking about defending
    religion and family.

    In Iraq, we are the aggressor. What the Iraqi insurgency (not the Al
    Qaeda branch of it) is fighting for is not unlike what our Founding
    Fathers fought for - to rid their land of overseas domination. Whenever
    we leave, they'll turn that around and fight another war to get rid of
    Al Qaeda (see Time magazine's piece insurgent in charge of the suicide


    K. Gringioni.
    kurgan, Dec 14, 2005
  5. neil

    ms Guest

    Maybe someone could shoot Cliff.

    ms, Dec 15, 2005
  6. neil

    Cliff Guest

    The ones that had killed probably about a million of them? Or
    are you griping about Turkey, Saudi Arabia and some US firms
    making a few dollars?
    Are the dead really happy?
    It HAD been a fairly modern *secular* nation with freedom for
    women, religions, etc. though terrorism was not tolerated.
    The Taliban are a large part of the current puppet government
    by most accounts. But now they have warlords & drug lords
    running things too ... while the pipelines are constructed.
    And you seemed to notice almost nothing.
    Best guess seemed to be that it was a lreftover shell (perhaps US or
    British) from WW-II.
    The *speculations* from a few wingers that *were reported as
    speculations* were later known to be dead wrong yet again.
    Check your facts first.

    You don't really grasp any of this, right?
    What lies do you tell your kids? Who tells *you* this rubbish?

    Note the ++.
    Cliff, Dec 15, 2005
  7. neil

    Cliff Guest

    So what do you propose doing about the neocons?
    (BTW, That was not really what Card's tale was about.)
    Treat them as the criminals that they are? Rather than giving them
    all the credability the neocons gave them?
    Much cheaper too .. and the US would not be so despised.
    Even Canada is now rather annoyed. And Mexico has the shrubbie,
    who actually took a Spanish class ....
    About what, exactly?
    Perhaps leading by example might be nice for a change. As would be
    truth, honesty, logic & reason.
    Cliff, Dec 15, 2005
  8. neil

    Cliff Guest

    There is indeed some discussion of that.
    Wrong. The 100,000 number is the LOW number.
    The controversy is about how much higher it should be.
    200,000 is quiet possible ... or more.

    Your 25,000 - 30,000 dead is quite another figure
    counting something else: **official** reports from
    morgues in *some* areas before they were banned
    by the US.
    Many never made it to those official morgues to begin
    with and still don't.

    In Baghdad alone in the latest month something like 1,300
    were killed .... and the US is not much bombing Baghdad (full
    of reporters secured in "safe zones"), as it is many other

    On top of that the secret jails & torture camps have multiplied ...
    and death squads roam rather freely now.
    Cliff, Dec 15, 2005
  9. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Dec 15, 2005
  10. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Gee .... and the Iraq-Iran war sponsored by the US (on both sides)
    was when?
    Recall bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld & ronnie raygun? Iran-Contra?
    Probably lots of dead in Iran too.

    OTOH Much has been found to have been fabricated ...
    Cliff, Dec 15, 2005
  11. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Any winger can lie. It's a well-known fact.
    Cliff, Dec 15, 2005
  12. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Venezuala is democratic and the US/neocons had tried to overthrow
    their government.
    Hati was democratic til the neocons & US tossed it's elected
    government recently.
    Many others. Don't forget United Fruit & the CIA overthrowing the
    democracy of Guatemala either.

    "Democracy" seems not to be at issue, other than as an
    excuse now & then. It seems to be more of a menace. More
    so with neocons who don't like it.
    Cliff, Dec 15, 2005
  13. neil

    Cliff Guest

    What about the lying winger that told you that one?
    Cliff, Dec 15, 2005
  14. neil

    Cliff Guest

    What do you have against the Mormons?
    Cliff, Dec 15, 2005
  15. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Mrs. Cheney recently compared their "struggle" to throwing
    out the British IIRC.
    Cliff, Dec 15, 2005
  16. neil

    Cliff Guest

    "But look: Four wrongs squared, minus two wrongs to the fourth
    power, divided by this formula, do make a right!”
    A Farside cartoon by Gary Larson
    Cliff, Dec 15, 2005
  17. neil

    Cliff Guest

    The Klingons had better plots.
    Cliff, Dec 15, 2005
  18. neil

    ms Guest

    Nothing against them. They have the truth. I said shoot Cliff, not the
    ms, Dec 15, 2005
  19. neil

    YouGoFirst Guest

    Ok, before I write you off as stubborn, and set in your ways I have a few

    First, do you support Planned Parenthood and "Women's Choice"?

    What do you think about giving people money because they are poor?

    Are minorities in the US really oppressed and need to have special laws
    enacted to give them special rights and privileges?

    Do you support gay marriage?

    Can war be justified?

    Are you a Mormon?
    YouGoFirst, Dec 15, 2005
  20. neil

    John J Guest

    yet there was the 737 used for hijacking training.

    al-Q and saddam had agreements for al-Q not to attack Iraq, and to
    cooperate on weapons development.

    terrorism was not just tolerated, it was encouraged by Saddam.

    Not to mention him paying the families of palestinean suicide bombers
    ~25000USD. How's that for a terror link? Or do you not consider them

    John J, Dec 15, 2005
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