OT - the US is a lousy world citizen

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Dec 10, 2005.

  1. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Found those "WMDs" yet?
    I take it you don't know.
    And could care less about lies, wars & murders in your name with
    your tax dollars .... which have left billions of people knowing about
    you & your crazed ideas ....
    Cliff, Dec 14, 2005
  2. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Any data for MikeB? He cannot be quite as crazy as the last
    fellow <G>.
    Cliff, Dec 14, 2005
  3. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Since when does a VP personally run secret air force
    Try some research first next time.
    Cliff, Dec 14, 2005
  4. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Rush told you that one?
    The US spends over US$ 50,000,000,000 on "intelligence" each
    year and has a pack of lying neocons & wingers running

    Found those"WMDs" yet?
    Cliff, Dec 14, 2005
  5. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Found those"WMDs" yet?
    Now, about that edge you last saw ... how far
    back was it?
    Cliff, Dec 14, 2005
  6. neil

    IYM Guest

    Neither are the Muslims "Down Under" - Well, if they hang around the beach

    Face it everyone - all the world's supposedly "developed" countries have
    many of the same issues as us Americans - Just that everyone finger points
    at us because it's sooo easy. Governments/countries are like any team
    sport - when a team dominates for so long, soon everyone wants to see them
    get knocked down a peg or two - Even the ones who are nice to your face and
    pat you on the back when you win. Oh no, they definitely don't want to see
    you collapse because that would be particularly bad for them and the game,
    but to see you get knocked off the pedestal would give them satisfaction.

    At one time or another England, Spain, France, Germany, Russia/USSR all held
    the top spot and ALL were as arrogant, if not more so, during their time.
    (look at history, my friends)

    The big challenge for America is to stay on top. If not, oh well - Let
    someone else be number 1 for a few years. Sometimes I think it'd be better
    to be say, number 2 or 3...It'd take the heat off us and everyone can blame
    them for all their woes...How about Canada? "Illegal Americans crossing
    over the border to get jobs shoveling snow!!....BLAME CANADA!! Freakin'
    Maple syrup eatin' Cannuks!! It's all their fault!! Must be!!! A country
    with 55 yards on their football field has got to be the cause for all the
    worlds problems!!!" :)

    IYM, Dec 14, 2005
  7. neil

    YouGoFirst Guest

    If I had it my way yes. If you have read the book "Ender's Game" you would
    see that quite often the only way to permanently stop a bully or enemy or
    whatever opposes you, have to knock them down then kick them a few times.
    That way they know better than to mess with you.

    If I was asked if I approve of the way that the war in Iraq is being run, I
    would say no. Not because I think that the war is wrong, but that the
    "Political Correctness" tactics suck. If the insurgents give us a bloody
    nose, we should break their arm. This is not a case of "might makes right"
    but a case of we need to defend our rights, religion, and family. We have
    created a small battleground to take on the terrorists, which is better than
    taking them on is small isolated pockets around the world.

    You seem to think that war=wrong, well, if that was the case, then the US
    would not exist, the French and most of the world would be ruled by kings or
    other tyrants.
    YouGoFirst, Dec 14, 2005
  8. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Dec 14, 2005
  9. neil

    Cliff Guest

    And Iraq had nothing to do with the events of 9-11.
    But now many have indeed been murdered based on
    neocon lies. On top of that, billions of people worldwide
    know it. Some of them are resisting the invasion.


    So when the neocons claimed that they knew & had irrefutable proof
    and refused to tell any that asked?
    When they set up their plans to tell lies?

    Can you use this excuse to break into your neighbor's house,
    steal his things, murder him & his family, burn the house down,
    call all your other neighbors that would not help you "terrorists",
    and get off with huge prizes from the police?

    "Officer, someday he might have had a BB gun in his basement. If
    he ever got one he might have hurt someone's cat or invaded
    Antartica with it ."

    It's murder, pure & simple. Or about ~ 100,000 ++ ...

    "If any one bring an accusation of any crime before the elders, and
    does not prove what he has charged, he shall, if it be a capital
    offense charged, be put to death." - Third Law, The Code of Hammurabi
    written in about 1786 BC. In what is now (or was) Iraq.
    Cliff, Dec 14, 2005
  10. neil

    Cliff Guest

    You must be misremembering Orson Scott Card's short story
    (published in Analog in 1977) (or the later novel).
    BTW, He's the only Mormon SF author that I know of.
    Cliff, Dec 14, 2005
  11. neil

    YouGoFirst Guest

    Ok, I was being soft, he shows that to get a bully, you have to hurt him to
    the point where he won't come back.

    Since you seem to have a lot of anti-war/Bush information, please tell us
    how you would go about getting rid of the terrorists? Or, are you like the
    democraps, whining about what is being done without proposing an alternative
    YouGoFirst, Dec 14, 2005
  12. neil

    Cliff Guest

    IOW More "terrorists" and "terrorist attacks" worldwide are good
    for business ....
    These matters have now been widely spread ... even the
    US State Department admits it.

    The events of 9-11 were individual criminal acts and should have
    been treated as such under existing laws.
    Afghanistan asked for the evidence ... it was refused. Carriers
    were already on their way ....
    Plans for war in Iraq had been started by the shrubbie's second
    week in office. Long before 9-11.

    "From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce new products in
    August." -- White House Chief of Staff Andrew H. Card, Jr.,


    Check out "Office of Special Projects" + Cheney or Rumsfeld

    Cliff, Dec 14, 2005
  13. neil

    YouGoFirst Guest

    They didn't, but they were sure building up and circumventing the
    ineffective trade sanctions that they had placed on them. If you look at
    what has been going on in Iraq, I am sure that the people that nolonger live
    in the oppressed condition under Sadam are a lot happier. This, along with
    the people that are out from under the Taliban.
    How about reading this http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4997808/

    They have sarin gas, a WMD. So, I guess they wern't wrong afterall. You
    may also notice that the article was written by a fairly liberal news
    But, you are not thinking bout the possibility of the case where I know that
    a neighbor is a convicted fellon, and is prohibited from having fire arms of
    any type at their house. If I knew that, I would call in the police without
    thinking about it. That is what was done.
    YouGoFirst, Dec 14, 2005
  14. neil

    Cliff Guest

    So that they cannot see your comment and thus work on
    Or perhaps you just missed much of the thread ....

    This guy is good <G>. <waves>
    Cliff, Dec 14, 2005
  15. neil

    John J Guest

    didn't clinton like sending out cruise missiles out a lot?

    John J, Dec 14, 2005
  16. neil

    John J Guest

    Speaking of lies....that 100 000 number is way off.

    more like, what 25000 - 30000-ish total dead.

    John J, Dec 14, 2005
  17. neil

    John J Guest

    what about the 737 in Iraq where al-Q practiced taking planes hostage?
    Maybe not directly involved with 9/11, but certainly still a connection
    between the two.

    John J, Dec 14, 2005
  18. neil

    John J Guest

    No...the gorram -indictment- says that.

    What is so hard to understand about that? Sheesh.


    p.s. "If you don't think Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction,
    then don't vote for me." --John Kerry
    John J, Dec 14, 2005
  19. neil

    Gunner Asch Guest


    And if one looks into the fine print...every time a suicide bomber
    kills an Iraqi..its added to the death toll. The numbers are NOT those
    directly attributable to the US.

    If a bad guy holds up a shop keeper in Mosul..and shoots somebody..its
    added to the death count. The numbers reflect total deaths under US
    occupation, not those by the US or coallition forces.

    You will also note..this is Hardly a pro US site. So any inflation
    will be against the US's favor. And they dont even come close to the
    100k number, which is a pure fabrication of the Left. As usual.
    In other words..another Lie that Stiffy passes on.


    "Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
    Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
    off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
    them self determination under "play nice" rules.

    Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
    for torturing the cat." Gunner
    Gunner Asch, Dec 14, 2005
  20. neil

    Gunner Asch Guest

    From their study...if you do the math..the numbers dont add up btw..

    Who was killed?

    * 24,865 civilians were reported killed in the first two years.
    * Women and children accounted for almost 20% of all civilian
    * Baghdad alone recorded almost half of all deaths.

    When did they die?

    * 30% of civilian deaths occurred during the invasion phase before
    1 May 2003.
    * Post-invasion, the number of civilians killed was almost twice
    as high in year two (11,351) as in year one (6,215).

    Who did the killing?

    * US-led forces killed 37% of civilian victims.
    * Anti-occupation forces/insurgents killed 9% of civilian victims.
    * Post-invasion criminal violence accounted for 36% of all deaths.
    * Killings by anti-occupation forces, crime and unknown agents
    have shown a steady rise over the entire period.

    Lessee here....37% of 24,845 = 9,200 civilians killed by US led

    Thats quite a differece from the Claimed 100,000, no?

    Now if Baghdad accounted for nearly half of all the deaths...what
    about the claim we killed all the civies in Faluga?

    Just more lies from the Left, but then..what could you expect?


    "Pax Americana is a philosophy. Hardly an empire.
    Making sure other people play nice and dont kill each other (and us)
    off in job lots is hardly empire building, particularly when you give
    them self determination under "play nice" rules.

    Think of it as having your older brother knock the shit out of you
    for torturing the cat." Gunner
    Gunner Asch, Dec 14, 2005
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