OT - the US is a lousy world citizen

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Dec 10, 2005.

  1. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Check your facts first.
    Cliff, Dec 13, 2005
  2. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Per the UN's charter the US is a war crimianl and a rogue state.
    Should they bomb Washington?
    Iraq WAS a sovereign nation.
    Murdering 100,000+ was a good idea, right?
    The neocon menace .....
    Found those "WMDs" yet?
    Cliff, Dec 13, 2005
  3. neil

    dbohara Guest

    Why would the USA want to be a citizen of anything that includes Sudan,
    Zimbabwe, China, Iran, Syria, Cuba, N. Korea, France, etc. Really,
    talk about lousy company!
    dbohara, Dec 13, 2005
  4. neil

    Dominic V Guest

    Dominic V, Dec 13, 2005
  5. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Well, Cheney had taken **personal** control of US east coast
    air defenses on that one day of all days and sent the East coast
    ready defense forces to Greenland or Iceland for secret exercises ....
    else the usual 5 minute response to an aircraft off course would
    have been had early on.
    Since when does a VP personally run secret air force
    Cliff, Dec 13, 2005
  6. neil

    Lloyd Parker Guest

    Because we ARE? Hello, we live on the same planet!
    Lloyd Parker, Dec 13, 2005
  7. neil

    rider89 Guest

    does michael moore give you a briefing every morning?
    rider89, Dec 13, 2005
  8. neil

    John J Guest

    again, see above.
    try reading the book instead of the rantings of someone who probably
    didnt read it.
    John J, Dec 13, 2005
  9. neil

    John J Guest

    actually, I was just trying to be a good World Citizen, like my friends
    David Duke and Cindy Sheehan, and trying to get this ridiculus "god"
    concept out of what should be a purely secular holiday season.


    p.s. http://blamebush.typepad.com/
    John J, Dec 13, 2005
  10. neil

    John J Guest

    Maybe, for example, Clinton's referral to al-qaida? Maybe his
    indictiment of Bin Laden (which specifically mentions his ties to
    Iraq-Hussein, btw)?

    John J, Dec 13, 2005
  11. neil

    John J Guest

    And lets not forget that Israel warned all Jews to stay home that day
    and not go to the Trade Center!!

    John J, Dec 13, 2005
  12. neil

    MikeB Guest

    The remainder of this thread is being left for liberal goofballs that
    need either shock therapy treatment, who have forgotten to take their
    lithium or those teetering on the edge of that Cliff.
    MikeB, Dec 13, 2005
  13. neil

    editor Guest

    Americans aren't somehow morally obligated to throw away our living
    standard to make the Europeans feel good. 300,000 dead GIs to save
    Britain and France from their folly of appeasing Hitler was already too
    damn much for Europe and the "world."

    No $4 to park! No $6 admission! http://www.INTERNET-GUN-SHOW.com
    editor, Dec 14, 2005
  14. neil

    Coby Beck Guest

    I would have replied too, but by the time I finished shaking my head I was
    too dizzy.
    Coby Beck, Dec 14, 2005
  15. neil

    Hugh Watkins Guest

    and Hitler was on the way to intercontinenatl rockets and atom bombs too

    You don't have all that good a living standard

    18 000 crips fighting their wayout of poverty by gang life


    Hugh W
    Hugh Watkins, Dec 14, 2005
  16. neil

    kurgan Guest

    Whatever dude - the Muslims in Europe aren't doing so hot themselves.


    K. Gringioni.
    kurgan, Dec 14, 2005
  17. neil

    Hugh Watkins Guest

    little do you know

    many succesful busineddmen
    if they can't get a job so they have to start their own business

    hugh W
    Hugh Watkins, Dec 14, 2005
  18. neil

    kurgan Guest

    Of course!

    Why else would the Muslim youth be rioting in France?


    K. Gringioni.
    kurgan, Dec 14, 2005
  19. neil

    jjs Guest

    Isn't it ovbvious - The reconstruction contracts !!

    These business methods are well know the world over and they have
    obviously learnt well from Haliburton - you must know you can't keep
    a good business idea secret, and in this case they can be sure
    Haliburton won't get the contract!! ;-)


    jjs, Dec 14, 2005
  20. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Which the neocons are loaded with .... and seem to want to use.
    Cliff, Dec 14, 2005
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