OT - the US is a lousy world citizen

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Dec 10, 2005.

  1. neil

    John J Guest

    why I love the UN:
    In a moment which includes commemorating suicide-bombers the Palestinian
    Foreign Minister, the Presidents of the Security Council and General
    Assembly, the Chairman of the sponsoring UN Committee, the Secretary
    General and two others, rise at the outset of the November 29th UN
    meeting with these opening words from the Chair. "I invite everyone
    present to rise and observe a minute of silence in memory of all those
    who have given their lives for the cause of the Palestinian people..."

    Bear in mind these are the same people who applaud when Boy Clinton
    blames everything on the USA.

    John J, Dec 12, 2005
  2. neil

    John J Guest

    don't you mean a "Happy Holiday"?

    i'm sick of your anti-islamic, anti-semitic bigotry.

    John J, Dec 12, 2005
  3. neil

    John J Guest

    John J, Dec 12, 2005
  4. neil

    John J Guest

    nothing else you say matters. I can safely ignore it.

    This is such a load of crap, that if you really believe al-qaida didn't
    exist before 9/11 you are truly delusional.

    John J, Dec 12, 2005
  5. neil

    John J Guest

    did you see the "Katrina" south park episode?

    On the scene reporter: We 're reporting massive instances of cannibalism?

    Newsroom guy: My god, you've actually SEEN canibalism in the aftermath
    of this tradgedy?

    Reporter: No, Jim...but, that's what we're _reporting._

    Classic fraggin episode.


    p.s. i forget which one of the SP creators said it, but:
    "I hate conservatives.
    But I really fucking hate liberals."
    John J, Dec 12, 2005
  6. neil

    neil Guest

    I don't know where that came from john but I hope you have a 'very happy
    holiday' too if you are having one at this time of year and I mean that as
    you can see by my friendly smiley face :eek:)
    Lets not make things more complicated than they need be by imagining things.
    It was a generic goodwill phrase nothing more or less.Hello, goodbye, how
    are you, Merry Christmas whatever.
    Like all countries we have a mix of peoples and beliefs and we have no
    problem with that.
    bye for now
    neil, Dec 12, 2005
  7. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Dec 12, 2005
  8. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Dec 12, 2005
  9. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Those toxins are actually much needed vitamins.
    And some "god" will just make more oil for the fundies.
    Cliff, Dec 12, 2005
  10. neil

    Cliff Guest

    They were a creation of the US/CIA by ronnie raygun & bush
    to begin with.
    Bush was even in a meeting with bin Ladens (business partners)
    on 9-11 and they all had a good view of events.
    Honored guests at their compounds as well.
    Cheney, Bush & Rumsfeld were with Saddam til he bought things
    from the wrong vendors (probably due to better bids and accounting
    required) ...
    Cliff, Dec 12, 2005
  11. neil

    Dominic V Guest


    Where is the proof? Why do you believe it and dismiss this idea so
    quickly? I know it might sound offensive to you, but my government is
    just as bad. There were no secret Al Q. fortresses in Afganistan. No
    WMD's in Iraq. The guys on the planes were wack-jobs, but not part of
    some huge network. They got some cash from Osama, but they were
    independant. They chose the target and carried out the attack by
    themselves. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that apart from a few
    extremists that have been marginalised, no-one is preparing for a huge
    attack on an organised level.
    Dominic V, Dec 12, 2005
  12. neil

    Cliff Guest

    How about Faux "news"?
    OTOH It's not quite as highly ranked as Al Jazeera
    (Faux is banned in some places ...... IIRC)
    Cliff, Dec 12, 2005
  13. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Dec 12, 2005
  14. neil

    Bonobo Guest

    Screw the worry.

    Geologic changes will wipe away all our successes and failures, due to
    climate change 1st (repetitive ages to boot, with numerous glacial
    freezes and thaws), and cyclical changes 2nd (elliptical, ecliptic, &
    precession driven) and solar output changes 3rd.

    Lest the King repeat & seat himself at the edge of the sea and issue
    orders to control that which no man has in the past nor will in the
    future, but what the heck Cliffy, go ahead and make my day.

    Got several friends working in China (molded plastics for medical and
    sports), and they say you really do not want to eat the air there (or
    the water).

    Gosh this is fun, just like the food fights in college.

    Bonobo, Dec 12, 2005
  15. neil

    Cliff Guest

    But most got their US visas from a semi-secret CIA visa operation in
    Saudi Arabia.
    Cliff, Dec 12, 2005
  16. neil

    MikeB Guest

    All you people are brainwashed by the world media outlet of the lunatic
    left, or more commonly referred to as the mainstream media. As far as
    the US being a bad world citizen, bull sh!~. You are all being sold a
    political bill of goods with global warming. It's complete nonsense
    that has been picked up by politicians and used as a game, a tool for
    an agenda. Just like the "hole" in the ozone, that comes and goes, so
    does the temperature of the earth. A few degrees one way or the other
    over a hundered years does not make a trend on a planet millions of
    years old........That's absurd!!!
    As far as Iraq goes if the worthless, corrupt UN had done they're job
    (they can't because they are spineless aristocrats working on the
    public dole, primarily US dollars, they don't give a rats a$$) The US
    wouldn't have had to do their job for them and give up 2000+ VOLUNTEER
    soldiers to fight for the soverenty of the nation of Iraq to promote
    democracy in the troubled middle east.
    I find this distain for the US unfounded and brought on by poor biased
    reporting by nearly all the major news organizations. Does anyone know
    this is a historic day in Iraq? It should be major news on all
    networks. But what does CBS have on their website. Bush says 30,000
    Iraqis may have died. The BBC website.. Tookie Williams. A guy that
    should have fried 23 years ago! But no.... all the libs including the
    libs at BBC are whining for the dirtbag. This reporting is upside
    down people.... Anti US, Anti Bush, Anti Freedom, Anti business, Anti
    Common friggin sense! and so many of you have fallen for it. Wake
    MikeB, Dec 13, 2005
  17. neil

    rider89 Guest

    well said, mike

    the level of propaganda is frightening.

    rider89, Dec 13, 2005
  18. neil

    rider89 Guest

    enough said.....
    rider89, Dec 13, 2005
  19. neil

    Cliff Guest

    That justifies stupidity?
    Cliff, Dec 13, 2005
  20. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Dec 13, 2005
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