OT - the US is a lousy world citizen

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Dec 10, 2005.

  1. neil

    neil Guest

    ms is a little upset with my views and that's ok
    I don't mind that he has strong words to share
    these are frustrating times for folks inside and outside the US.
    I know it is challenging to have someone express a different perspective
    than he would like to hear and he is angry and perhaps feels
    betrayed,alienated of hurt by it.
    However he should be assured we are all trying to make the world a better
    place to live in. Presently we seem to disagree about what that is and how
    to go about it however it will all work out in the end for the better though
    not without compromise.

    As far as place goes I do indeed live in New Zealand -that's a small island
    country east of Australia- and indeed we do have sheep as ms does in his own
    country but I am sorry to say no colourful convict history unlike our fine
    upstanding Australian cousins.
    Even though he won't appreciate it I wish ms a pleasant holiday and
    prosperous new year and sincerely say I hope to continue to share an
    interest in using solidworks with him in the future.
    neil, Dec 12, 2005
  2. neil

    TOP Guest

    Actually the latest National Geographic.
    TOP, Dec 12, 2005
  3. neil

    rider89 Guest

    I don't know what type of propaganda immersion you live in, but
    unless you are living in a cave, it is incomprehensible that
    such ignorance of current events is possible.

    rider89, Dec 12, 2005
  4. neil

    YouGoFirst Guest

    Before you go and start praising "Slick Willie" and the Democrats, you need
    to look at what they do in conjunction with the US media. The Democratic
    party has done more in the last 50 years to take the US closer to Communism
    or Socialism than anybody else. They preach that the Government is the
    solution for all of your woes and that personal responsibility for your life
    does not exist.

    If you look at the differences between Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, there is
    a HUGE difference in what has happened to those communities. Personally I
    am getting tired of the Katrina "victims" whining about the government not
    GIVING them more. Why haven't they gone out and found their jobs? The
    media keeps portraying them as victims of a government conspiracy, but they
    are victims of their own slothfulness. I have little pity for many of them
    because they were warned to leave, and didn't. Now that re-construction is
    going on, they are whining that other people have come in and are getting
    jobs doing the cleanup and construction. Where were they when the jobs
    first opened? Those people are living in a welfare state, where the
    Democrats rule, and keep the people poor. The democrats and the media have
    been telling the minorities that they are disadvantaged and need "special"
    help. Since they have been told this for so long, they believe it and now
    don't believe they can get anywhere without government assistance.

    By the way, when it comes to the reasoning behind why we went into Iraq,
    Bush was going off of information left to him by Bill Clinton and the

    In some of your posts, you state that you get your news from sources outside
    the US, well, you don't take a balanced approach to learning the truth, you
    only go after what you believe in. For example, if you want reporting that
    is 100% against the US, go to Al-Jazera (sp?). While they report "the
    news", it is tainted with their own view points. So, if you read your news
    from many of the mainstream media outlets, no matter what country you get it
    from, you need to look at their position on things.
    YouGoFirst, Dec 12, 2005
  5. neil

    ms Guest

    neil and Dominic are upset because they live in a 3rd rate backwater country
    that has contributed little, if anything, to the global community. So they
    come here to vent.

    This is my last contribution to this meaningless thread. Sorry if I helped
    fan the flames, but these two guys really hit a nerve.
    ms, Dec 12, 2005
  6. neil

    jjs Guest

    It is a shame that this newsgroup seems to fracture as soon as world
    politics intrudes, but then again it may just be a symptom of the
    growing divergance in western democracies. Those who follow the
    nation state model and those who have moved on to the post - nation
    state world.

    Anyway - I think Neville is alluding to the following series of


    I saw the lot and they make a quite a persuasive case and and
    interesting angle on the rise of Al qaida and its very close ties with
    the US military in the war in Afghanistan.

    I am not sure if they have been broadcast in the US but I would
    recommend people to watch them. It will not change everyones view but
    perhaps it might make Americans might re-read the warnings of
    President Eisenhower in his last speeches to the American people. As
    a General he understood that the Marines who stormed ashore at
    Guadalcanal were part of a citizens army but he could see that the US
    military and its various agencies were being manipulated into the
    standing army that is now pissing away its legacy in the sands of
    Iraq. "Lions led by Donkeys" was a phrase used to describe the
    British and Commonwealth Armies of WW1 - it is just as apt for the US
    army in Iraq.

    Anyway to save you looking it up - here is Eisenhower's speech which I
    am sure American already know.


    In a dangerous world that lies ahead, US diplomacy realy does suck -
    It takes alot to get a Canadian and a New Zealander to be impolite!


    jjs, Dec 12, 2005
  7. neil

    rider89 Guest

    first glance at the linked page...
    the documentary was produced by the BBC.
    do you consider them an objective source of information?

    rider89, Dec 12, 2005
  8. neil

    jjs Guest

    If your looking for an 'objective' source of information you'll never
    find one in this life !

    One just has to look at lots of inputs and then use one own mind and

    I am afraid there is no 'spoon fed' news channel available.

    I recommend you watch it - I am sure it won't do you any long term
    harm ;-)


    jjs, Dec 12, 2005
  9. neil

    jjs Guest

    jjs, Dec 12, 2005
  10. neil

    TOP Guest

    Now just a darn minute. Lord of the Rings was filmed there and I have
    friends there. NZ is not a back water in anything. You will find NZs in
    a lot of key places you would never expect. They carry their weight.
    TOP, Dec 12, 2005
  11. neil

    rider89 Guest

    I notice you didn't answer the question.

    rider89, Dec 12, 2005
  12. neil

    jjs Guest

    I'm sorry - I thought my view was easy to infer -

    There are no such things as objective news sources especially when it
    comes to documentaries - It is up to ones intelligence to decide what
    one thinks is plausible and what is not.

    So - Is the BBC totally 'objective'? - undoubtable not , as it is an
    impossibility .

    However if you could let me know of an 'objective' news source I'm all
    ears .



    jjs, Dec 12, 2005
  13. neil

    rider89 Guest

    somewhat of a non-answer again.

    how about:
    do you consider BBC a "reasonably" objective news source?

    the reason I have become very sceptical of documentaries in particular is
    demonstated by
    something I happened to catch on a primetime NBC News broadcast (in the US)
    during the Katrina coverage.
    An interviewer was doing a rather hostile piece with an official. After
    several exchanges, the official made
    what appeared to be a very embarrassing admission.
    Trouble with it was, that I happened also to catch a rather lengthy (live)
    piece the day before on a cable network, in which the same footage of the
    official occurred, but with a different NBC interviewer! As I said, this
    piece was lengthy, live, and covered many topics.
    The prime time broadcast had carefully edited clips to have the official
    answering an entirely different question.
    Several emails about this (with time, dates, reporters names, the works)
    were ignored by NBC news producers. Given that NBC is
    actually one of the better networks about being partisan, this was an
    eyeopener for me.

    rider89, Dec 12, 2005
  14. And don't forget Lucy Lawless. I think she was from NZ.
    Gotta get your warrior princess types somewhere after all.
    John R. Carroll, Dec 12, 2005
  15. neil

    jjs Guest

    Are we playing 20 questions ?
    yes - but the BBC is not just a news source - As this is a documentary
    made by one man with BBC funding, I would hazard a guess that BBC news
    editorial control was not excercised in this case. It is one mans
    polemic, so you can take it or leave it.
    Well I think one has to be careful what ever the news source - and try
    and see all sides of the arguement and then make up ones own mind -
    so give it a twirl I am sure the BBC can't brainwash you in just three
    episodes. Just try and ignore the subliminal messages from the Queen,
    but they are nanoseconds in length so I am sure you will be OK , but
    if you start having an urge for a cup of tea every 2 hours I would go
    to doctor as she might got through to you. Hey if you've got
    $5billion to blow each year you might as well make it do some good.

    Just as a background, the BBC is a Public Corporation that gets its
    funding from TV licenses in the UK - every one who has a TV has to pay
    £120 ( I think - my wife pays!!) and if you don't pay you can get a
    criminal record. - so income from this alone is apprx 20m x £120 -
    £2,400,000 pa - (bugger thats a lot of ££) so anyway they don't
    need to pander to interest groups or the Government of the day. Thats
    the theory anyway.

    Its quite facinating what the BBC puts out -


    Do me a favour - If you can find the English translation to this I
    would be gratefull - I can't read Persian so who knows what they are
    spending my money on ! And the only Persian I know is " Zindabad
    Amerika" - which is not something you will find written down very
    often ;-)


    jjs, Dec 12, 2005
  16. neil

    jjs Guest

    And don't forget they provided both teams in the last final of the
    Americas Cup !!

    jjs, Dec 12, 2005
  17. neil

    Muggs Guest

    Has it occurred to you that people in the US, including the leadership are
    OOH, OOH, I can answer that. NO it never crossed his mind!!!

    Muggs, Dec 12, 2005
  18. neil

    Muggs Guest

    "the day was most likely saved by Bill Clinton"

    Now that's funny!!!

    Muggs, Dec 12, 2005
  19. neil

    John J Guest

    John J, Dec 12, 2005
  20. neil

    John J Guest

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