OT - the US is a lousy world citizen

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Dec 10, 2005.

  1. neil

    YouGoFirst Guest

    I put it in quotes, because personally I don't believe in it. The planning
    should occur before the pant's come off. The choice was made when they
    jumped in the sack together, not afterwards.
    YouGoFirst, Dec 20, 2005
  2. neil

    Guido Guest

    What you don't believe in Women's Choice, why ever not?

    Not necessarily.
    Guido, Dec 20, 2005
  3. neil

    YouGoFirst Guest

    The only time when there is a choice is when a pregnancy is life threatening
    to the mother, the child has birth defects that would lead to its death
    during birth, or in cases of rape or incest. Other than that the woman
    chooses. Its like pointing a loaded gun at people, you have to decide
    before the trigger is pulled if you are going to shoot someone.
    Ok, in cases of rape there wasn't a choice, but under most circumstances
    there was a choice. Pregnancy doesn't occur simply because a man and a
    woman are in the same room together.
    YouGoFirst, Dec 20, 2005
  4. It will if you leave them alone together long enough.
    John R. Carroll, Dec 20, 2005
  5. neil

    Guido Guest

    This is nonsensical either there is a choice or there isn't.
    Guido, Dec 20, 2005
  6. neil

    ms Guest

    If cliff is a Mormon, he is not representative of the whole religion, or
    even a majority of them. He most likely is a psychotic lunatic.
    ms, Dec 21, 2005
  7. neil

    Cliff Guest

    You don't know much about cabbages, eh?
    Cliff, Dec 21, 2005
  8. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Psychotic lunatics hear voices, right?
    Like the ones Herr shrubbie & his pals Robertson, Falwell
    & Moses hear?

    What does your superstition (and it's ranters) tell you?
    Cliff, Dec 21, 2005
  9. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Cut out prior cutlined sigs.
    Don't top post.
    Clarity may not work with all wingers.

    Cliff, Dec 21, 2005
  10. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Why does the crazed loon want to murder the kids just
    because of rape or incest or birth defects?
    Were they the ones that did it?
    Cliff, Dec 21, 2005
  11. neil

    YouGoFirst Guest

    So, if I understand your cryptic messages, this is what I gather from you:

    1. You are an atheist
    2. Geroge Bush lied, and no matter what people say, the US was lied to
    about Iraq
    3. It doesn't matter what a politician or their spouse says, only how you
    interpret it. (i.e., Lynn Cheney saying that the Iraqi people are currently
    going through the same thing as the US did during its first elections.
    Which you interpreted as meaning that they are trying to kick out the
    imperialist US forces)
    4. Proof only matters if is agrees with your point of view (see responses
    to WMD's)
    5. Logic means nothing, only proving your point of view.

    That said, I end my posting to this thread by saying that people like you,
    if you do live in the US, ought to move to France. George Bush is not
    perfect, but much of what is said about him is purely an attack by liberals
    who want to see him go down. Much of what he has done as president is no
    different that what past Democrat Presidents have either said or done. The
    only difference between him and the Demos is that he isn't one of them.
    YouGoFirst, Dec 21, 2005
  12. neil

    Guido Guest

    Is this something to do with exposing you as a fool?

    France is very nice.
    Guido, Dec 21, 2005
  13. neil

    Guido Guest

    Dunno, obviously he hasn't thought very hard about it and seems rather
    confused. The Catholics at least have a logical position, you might
    not agree with it but it has internal consistency and isn't morally
    Guido, Dec 21, 2005
  14. neil

    John J Guest

    OK...I know I said g'bye earlier, but.....

    Yeah! It's a lot of fun! It's a riot, even!!


    p.s. Stupid Bush and his unilateral action in Iraq. He squandered the
    golden showers of international support!
    John J, Dec 21, 2005
  15. neil

    Cliff Guest

    What part of "Found those "WMDs" yet?" was unclear?
    The US was not lied to -- Saddam said he had none.
    His son in law that defected had been in charge of the
    programs and SAID that all such had been destroyed on
    HIS orders long ago.
    The UN's inspectors had accounted for 95% as not existing
    Those that the US was claiming to protect from WMDs, such
    as Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc. were not worried AND THEY LIVE

    Even IF Iraq had had some "WMDs" (and the US has
    by far the most in the world and seems to be getting even
    more) the US had no right at all to attack Iraq. See the
    UN's charter, the various world treaties, the concept/doctrine
    of a just war ..

    YOU were lied to and bought it. Plain & simple.
    See "Iraq Working Group", "Office of Special Plans",
    "Office of Special Projects", Etc. Search with names like
    Rimsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz added.

    Don't forget things like the "Downing Street Memo"
    or THE PRINCE by Nicolo Machiavelli.

    Cliff, Dec 22, 2005
  16. neil

    Cliff Guest

    You are a funny guy indeed.
    BTW, Iraq was ruled by the British and their appointed
    puppets for many decades before.
    Was the US an occupied nation during it's first elections?
    Cliff, Dec 22, 2005
  17. neil

    Cliff Guest

    I love this guy !!!
    Anything wrong as a result of the neocons & their endless lies
    & power grabs is because Herr Shrubbie is a Democrat and it's
    probably poor little Monica's fault again.
    Cliff, Dec 22, 2005
  18. neil

    Cliff Guest

    He clearly cannot be a Catholic as they oppose all forms of
    birth control save perhaps one.
    Why have they not yet overrun the worlds's population?
    Cliff, Dec 22, 2005
  19. neil

    camvee2 Guest

    camvee2, Dec 22, 2005
  20. neil

    Cliff Guest

    Religious Body Number of Adherents
    Catholic Church 1,100,000,000
    Sunni Islam 1,000,000,000
    Eastern Orthodox Church 225,000,000
    Jinja Honcho 83,000,000

    Christianity: 2.1 billion

    Islam: 1.3 billion

    Secular/Nonreligious/Agnostic/Atheist: 1.1 billion

    Hinduism: 900 million

    Chinese traditional religion: 394 million

    Buddhism: 376 million

    primal-indigenous: 300 million

    African Traditional & Diasporic: 100 million

    Sikhism: 23 million

    Juche: 19 million

    Spiritism: 15 million

    Judaism: 14 million

    Baha'i: 7 million

    Jainism: 4.2 million

    Shinto: 4 million

    Cao Dai: 4 million

    Zoroastrianism: 2.6 million

    Tenrikyo: 2 million

    Neo-Paganism: 1 million

    Unitarian-Universalism: 800 thousand

    Rastafarianism: 600 thousand

    Scientology: 500 thousand
    Cliff, Dec 22, 2005
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