OT quadro 750 problem with 50series drivers

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Apr 7, 2004.

  1. neil

    neil Guest

    greetings people!
    I decided to update my Quadro drivers from 43.51 and encountered a problem
    whereby I seem to have no directx acceleration available. I checked out with
    dxdiag and all seems to be ok.
    tried 53.03, 56.03,56.72 all give the same error. reinstalled 43.51 and the
    problem disappears.anyone else running a 750 having problems with later
    I can live with the 43s ok but does anyone have any insight about this.
    its a real bastard if I cant play Half-Life when SW gets too stressful...
    : )
    thanks for any help

    BTW if you wonder where i've been lately I've been working part-time at an
    old peoples home to make ends meet..doesn't pay well but very
    'challenging'...we will all get there sooner than you think... never had to
    practice so much forgiveness ,compassion and patience in my life. MS ,
    Huntington's, dementia etc ..can be hard going. and guys it aint just
    woman's work so I don't want to hear that from you hardened engineering
    types.get along and see your folks and take em out of those walls for a
    neil, Apr 7, 2004
  2. Hello Neil-
    I have the Quadro4 750 XGL using the 53.03 driver. No problems here.
    However, I don't play any computer games. Never have!
    Best Regards,
    Devon T. Sowell
    Devon T. Sowell, Apr 7, 2004
  3. neil

    neil Guest

    don't play Devon....goodness... I mean ...well.... im lost for words.

    Ok thanks I must have a conflict somewhere in my system, did a net search
    and it appears netmeeting can cause problems like this. anyway cant be
    bothered tracking it down 43s will do spent too much time already.
    neil, Apr 7, 2004
  4. Wouldn't it be neat if you could make levels in
    An early contributor to the SW world, J. Jones started such a project quite
    a while ago.
    http://www.nhcad.com/old/html/ )

    I do not know current status.

    My .01 Eu
    Jean Marc BRUN, Apr 14, 2004
  5. Jean Marc BRUN, Apr 14, 2004
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