OT - Indigo raytracer

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Apr 14, 2006.

  1. neil

    neil Guest

    hey all, just thought I would post a bit of Easter rendering news for those
    interested in alternatives to PW.
    follow this link
    to the forum to see a picture done, well in progress, with Indigo on 10pcs.
    Same sort of thing as Maxwell but open source.Has exporters from 3dMax5 ,
    Cinema4D and Blender. Development is coming along quite well since my
    passing post in a PW thread here a while ago...
    home page with gallery http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/nickamy/indigo.html
    - those of you not into Easter can look too anyways ;o)
    neil, Apr 14, 2006
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