OT - Gearboxes suppliers...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by hayduke, May 17, 2006.

  1. hayduke

    hayduke Guest

    We've been a faithful Hub City gearbox user here, we have literally
    hundereds of them in use on our production lines and generally have been
    quite satisfied with the in-service performance of the gearboxes. It's
    the order lead time, and service from Hub City that has us concerned.

    Recently we ordered 6 of thier Helical Inline boxes, quoted delivery
    time 2-3 weeks, 10 weeks later I was assured they'd ship the upcoming
    Friday. Upon delivery, it was noted that they delivered the 4000-series
    rather than the 2000-series which we ordered... Neither I nor my vendor
    knew of this change and no one from Hub City informed us of a Ratio
    change We use a pair of these in a synchronized drive, sharing the
    load. It's do-able, but a little notice would have been appreciated,
    especially on a late, $10,000 order.

    Also, of the 6 boxes ordered there were supposed to be 2 identical, and
    4 identical, of the four, they sent one with the obviously wrong motor
    flange... We had to send it back, we did everything they told us to do,
    it's been sitting on their receiving dock for 3 weeks because *we*
    didn't write the RGA number on the outside of the box...hmmm.

    Anybody had better *service* from gearbox suppliers?

    hayduke, May 17, 2006
  2. hayduke

    TOP Guest

    We don't seem to have those kind of problems with Hub City.
    TOP, May 17, 2006
  3. hayduke

    Scott-HPT Guest

    Consider yourself lucky! We currently put up with about a 26 week lead
    time to recieve our gearboxes. We can almost build an entire line in
    the same amount of time that it takes to get our gearboxes in. We have
    looked and looked, I don't believe there is a great gearbox vendor out
    Scott-HPT, May 18, 2006
  4. hayduke

    IYM Guest

    We manufacture gearboxes and we have a on time delivery and satisfaction of
    ~98%. (www.precipart.com) Unfortunately, most of what we make are high
    tech/aerospace gearboxes and are a lot smaller/lower hp than what your
    looking for. However, there are plenty of great vendors/mfrs out there. I
    would recommend getting a hold of the AGMA's "Gear Industry Directory &
    Product Guide" that list all mfrs of loose gears, gearboxes, etc. It lists
    the companies by size capability, not just gearboxes. If you want , I
    could scan the gearbox section pages and send to you.

    Let me know...

    IYM, May 18, 2006
  5. Neville Williams, May 19, 2006
  6. hayduke

    Sporkman Guest

    Scott, if you end up scanning the gearbox section I'd like a copy also.
    Don't want to put you to any trouble, but we need a good supplier at my
    new place of employment, and I have a need to source another gearbox
    pretty soon. I'll have a look on Monday to see whether it's something
    that you guys might source -- right now I don't have the specs. Cost is
    an issue, though, and as OEMs of high tech stuff including stuff for
    aerospace, your price is probably going to knock you out of the
    running. This is low tech (and low torque, low speeds) and they want to
    spend less than $500 if at all possible. You may not even sell anything
    that cheap.

    Best wishes,
    Sporkman, May 20, 2006
  7. hayduke

    Cam Guest

    Cam, May 20, 2006
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