OT? FEM comparison

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Makus Lotz, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. Makus Lotz

    Makus Lotz Guest


    I am working at an university and we are using two different
    FEM-programs. ANSYS and CosmosWorks (conected with SOlidWorks). I am
    very interested to make a comparison with both and may be other
    programs. Because of this I made a test with a part where I changed the
    position of the supporting points. The solutions for the displacement
    were almost equal (less than 1% difference) but the stress was
    significantly different (over 60%). Now I am trying to get informations
    about "weak" points of both programs and their solvers.
    Has somebody some hints or sources or links to get an overview over
    these programs and compared results?

    Many Thanks

    M. Lotz
    Makus Lotz, Feb 19, 2004
  2. Makus Lotz

    Makus Lotz Guest


    1) I use the High Quality mesh at COSMOSWorks with tetrahedrons. Because
    of the mesh "problems" I made tests with COSMOS. I changed the density
    of the mesh in some steps and looked at the maximum stress v. mises and
    the resulting displacement of the whole model and four different points.
    Normally I would expect that stress and displacement values will
    converge. The displacement values converge like I expected to a value
    which I also reached with ANSYS. Unfortunately I can not see a
    convergence in the stress values.
    The mesh in ANSYS consists of ET187, also tetrahedron. I will also make
    some tests with its mesh density. Unfortunately it takes much longer to
    solve this model in ANSYS because it is a "selfwritten" parametric model
    to change supporting points.
    2) That is true. I used at COSMOS two models, one with and one without
    local refinement. But both showed a convergence of the displacement but
    no convergence of the stress.

    I want to test how much can I trust solutions from both programs because
    we want to design some parts which sould be lightweight. If we calculate
    the stress to high parts will have more weight, if it is too low the
    parts can be destroyed. Unfortunately the parts are too difficult to
    make only estimates with analytic calculations.
    I think so too. But I found one comparison between COSMOS and
    DesignSpace (little ANSYS) were COSMOS showed better behaviour also in

    Thank you very much!

    M. Lotz
    Technical University of Ilmenau
    Makus Lotz, Feb 20, 2004
  3. Are you trying to analyze parts or assemblies?
    Ramesh Ramalingam, Feb 20, 2004
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