OT - Engineering Workgroup MRP System Suggestions

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Len K. Mar, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. Len K. Mar

    Len K. Mar Guest


    I've got a client who has an ERP system that they presently use for
    engineering (prototype) and manufacturing.

    Given the administrative overhead related to maintaining this ERP
    system during R & D and prototyping they wish to have engineering
    purchase components, equipment, prototypes, etc. using expense
    purchase orders rather than through the ERP's MRP generated purchase
    orders. Running inventory that they always have to transfer back and
    forth between projects cannot be justified on a cost basis.

    They would like an simple access based system that can keep track of
    what parts were ordered for which projects, lead times, due date,
    inventory, how many are on back order, etc...

    Nothing complicated - just a simple system to semi-automatically keep
    track of these things.

    There must be systems out there that do this all ready.

    Any suggestions or recommendations?

    Thanks in advance

    Len K. Mar, PEng.
    E-data Solutions.
    Len K. Mar, Jan 9, 2004
  2. Len K. Mar

    Nick E. Guest


    Nick E., Jan 9, 2004
  3. Len K. Mar

    Ken Carpente Guest

    have a look at www.arenasolutions.com its a pay as you use web based
    system. It might be what your looking for.
    I've not used it but have been looking at it as we are currently
    looking to outsource a lot of our current manufacture.
    Ken Carpente, Jan 9, 2004
  4. Len K. Mar

    ms Guest

    Maybe Parts&Vendors. I think its more oriented towards electronics, but
    would probably work for you. Free demo @
    ms, Jan 9, 2004
  5. Len K. Mar

    MLQ Guest

    Try www.mfgcatalyst.com

    or www.ezijobz.com

    Ezijobs is a better system and lower cost per seat for 1 or 2 seats.
    MLQ, Jan 9, 2004
  6. Len K. Mar

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    For incorporating SolidWorks (or others) into virtually any ERP system, you
    could check out eExplorer (Enterprise Explorer) from AimaSoft (
    http://www.aimasoft.com ). Allows you to tie a BUNCH of stuff to
    "part_numbers", including SolidWorks 3D images of the part or assembly.
    Pretty neat piece of software.

    I don't work directly with AimaSoft, but I have done some development work
    with them on the SW side. They will be at the SW World 2004 show in case you
    wanted to stop by, and see the software, and visit with them and me...


    Mr. Pickles, Jan 10, 2004
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