OT. Blocking the Display of certain Profiles in Google Groups

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dom, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. Dom

    Dom Guest

    Hi all, I haven't been active for some time (I felt a bit unwelcome
    after making some comments about US govt. and WMD's etc. and getting
    canned for it) but I have still been trawling the posts for
    interesting discussion.

    In an effort to avoid conflict with others, and also to make
    conversations easier to follow, is there a way of blocking the display
    of a certain person/persons in Google groups? I have read in some of
    the posts, of people having done this, and I have not been able to find
    out how to do this.

    PS. I hope no one is overly offended by what this implies, but I'm not
    really interested in trawling through rants, and have noticed over the
    last few months that good conversations seem to have dwindled. It
    seems to me that there are many others that probably feel similar to

    Regards Dominic.
    Dom, Jun 5, 2006
  2. Dom

    That70sTick Guest

    It would be nice if Google Groups just automatically filtered JB and
    Cliff. No such luck. Google Groups beta has no plonl list as yet that
    I am aware of.

    I also use Google Groups (mostly so I don't have to maintain & sync
    newsgroups on multiple computers). I like it well enough for a free
    service. Some seem to have a twisted prejudice against those who use
    Google Groups to post to Usenet. Some say they are set up to
    automatically screen all Google Groups posts. No accounting for some
    folks, I guess.
    That70sTick, Jun 5, 2006
  3. Dom

    cdubea Guest

    There is, sort of.

    If you use Firefox for your browsing, a kind individual named Damian
    Penney has written a Greasemonkey (a Firefox extension) script to
    killfile individuals.

    You can learn more at


    It works pretty well. It's definitely not nFilter, but it's better
    than nothing. And yes, Jon and Cliff were my first two selection. It
    works better if you don't use the titles only view in Google Groups.
    If you use titles only it will display entries made by those killfiled.

    cdubea, Jun 13, 2006
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