OT 3D new technology

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by JOJO, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. JOJO

    JOJO Guest

    Hi there,
    I youst stumbled across an interesting report about a new 3D-technology
    developed by the university of Wahington, Microsoft and the NASA which
    allows to generate 3D views from photos. -> Nice Demo

    Here is the link:



    JOJO, Aug 6, 2007
  2. JOJO

    pete Guest

    wow! that was impressive!
    Now if the could get all of the photos to show at the same time!
    That would be mind blowing!
    pete, Aug 6, 2007
  3. JOJO

    neilscad Guest

    you are behind the times
    I posted a link to a demo of this recently and mentioned it as
    something SW could pick up on to navigate drawings and documents
    you can try photosynth out - there is an activex and some content
    its quite cool really although I got a bit lost at times :eek:)
    neilscad, Aug 6, 2007
  4. JOJO

    lipkink Guest

    That link was cool.


    ^ Here is another cool imaging project. It takes a 2d image and
    recognizes sky, ground, and vertical surfaces, and then turns it into
    a popup book. The professor doing the development gave a talk at my
    college, and he used an example of a 2d amtrak train picture. He
    suddenly pushed a button and the thing converted into a 3d popup world
    and everyone was blown away.

    You'll need a VRML viewer to see anything cool, but those are linked
    from the page.
    lipkink, Aug 6, 2007
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