OSNAP settings/mods

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by DRW1975, Feb 8, 2005.

  1. DRW1975

    DRW1975 Guest

    Is there a way to have SOME entities in a drawing that WILL NOT be snapped to?

    I have created a routine that shows symbols at certain point - these symbols are a group of lines and circles that I would prefer the user cannot grip onto when making a selection... Can I put them in a layer that cannot be gripped?? or something like that (kind of like a transparency)? I realize that this is not quite a VBA question, but more a general AutoCAD question, but I thought I would try here first since it is part of a VBA routine...

    If i must, I will use something like images instead of ACAD entities to make up my symbols, but i would prefer just to use the ACAD entities...

    DRW1975, Feb 8, 2005
  2. DRW1975

    Oberer Guest

    you could:
    put them on a locked layer
    edit your routine to only allow certain layer/objects to be selected
    Oberer, Feb 8, 2005
  3. DRW1975

    DRW1975 Guest

    Fair enough, I can put logic in to that effect, but AC will still want to snap to the objects eventhough they may be on a locked layer... It would be up to my code to come back with a statement like - object not selectable - or something like that... But now that I think about the problem.... i could turn OSNAP off all together, leave the user to select a non-snapped point, and use an algorithm to assess the nearest selectable point that the user has picked ! I think that will suit my purposes just fine...

    well thanks for this, eventhough the answer wasn't quite what i was looking for, but it seems to have yielded a different one regardless.

    DRW1975, Feb 8, 2005
  4. Are you interested in preventing the user from object-snapping
    to certain entities, or selecting certain entities (or both)?
    Tony Tanzillo, Feb 8, 2005
  5. DRW1975

    Oberer Guest

    hey drw1975, I'm a little confused. You said "when making a selection", but then you're using osnaps? Are your users selecting a point or making a selection set?

    if it's the latter, i'm sorry for offering the filter suggestion. I was under the impression at first that you wanted to exclude the objects from the sel set.

    "i could turn OSNAP off all together, leave the user to select a non-snapped point, and use an algorithm to assess the nearest selectable point that the user has picked "

    You seem to know exactly what they'd be after as well as what objects to exclude, so it sounds like you've found your answer...
    Oberer, Feb 8, 2005
  6. DRW1975

    DRW1975 Guest

    I am prompting a user to select a single point in model space, but I do not want a user to be able to OSnap onto any point, only specific ones. There is no entity selection, only a user '.getpoint' function to get a set of coordinates.

    It seems that I've managed to come up with an alternative that will work equally as good though.


    DRW1975, Feb 8, 2005
  7. You're using the wrong function in that case.

    Use GetEntity, and compute the point from the
    selected object's geometric properties.
    Tony Tanzillo, Feb 8, 2005
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