osnap pop-up menu on accelerator key

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Fred Klopper, Jan 15, 2005.

  1. Fred Klopper

    Fred Klopper Guest

    I would like to put the osnap menu on the numpad 0 key, how can I do that.

    Fred Klopper, Jan 15, 2005
  2. I use a lisp to show it. Sort of like this:

    This is from my menu file>

    // Begin AutoCAD Pull-down Menus
    // Shift-right-click if using the default AUX2 and/or BUTTONS2
    // menus.
    ID_OsnapTool [Osnap Toolbox](alert "Osnap Toolbox v2.0")
    ID_DateTime [$(edtime,$(getvar,date),DDD", "D MON YYYY)]
    ID_ZoomReal [Zoom Realtime]'zoom;;
    ID_Zoomdyna [Zoom Dynamic]'zoom;d;
    ID_ZoomExt [Zoom Extents]'zoom;e;
    ID_ZoomWin [Zoom Window]'zoom;w;
    ID_PanReal [Pan Realtime]'pan;
    ID_OsnapEndp [&Endpoint]_endp
    ID_OsnapMidp [&Midpoint]_mid
    ID_OsnapMidl [Middle]'_.cal (cur + cur)/2;
    ID_OsnapInte [&Intersection]_int
    ID_OsnapAppa [&Apparent Intersect]_appint
    ID_OsnapCent [&Center]_cen
    ID_OsnapQuad [&Quadrant]_qua
    ID_OsnapTang [Tan&gent]_tan
    ID_OsnapPerp [&Perpendicular]_per
    ID_OsnapPara [Para&llel]_par
    ID_OsnapInse [In&sert]_ins
    ID_OsnapNear [Nea&rest]_nea
    ID_StandSnap [Standard Osnaps...]'_osmode 679
    ID_Osnap [&Osnap Settings...]'_+dsettings 2
    [Layer ools]$p0=TOOLBOX.LAYER_TOOLS $p0=*
    [Text Tools]$p0=TOOLBOX.TEXT_TOOLS $p0=*
    [Dimension Tools]$p0=TOOLBOX.DIM_TOOLS $p0=*

    Then I wrote a lisp to load the popup that looks like this:

    (defun C:SSS (/)
    (menucmd "P0=TOOLBOX.SNAP ")
    (menucmd "p0=*")

    Be aware that this will not work while in another command (it is not


    Timothy Spangler
    Timothy Spangler, Jan 18, 2005
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