osnap function

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Cindee Bae, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. Cindee Bae

    Cindee Bae Guest

    does anyone know a way for autocad to recognize osnap from model space to
    paper space? if i draw a line in paper space, then want to draw a lline in
    model space at the end point of the first line, it doesn't seem to recognize
    the osnap.. is there an option for this that i don't know of?

    please reply....
    Cindee Bae, Sep 22, 2004
  2. Cindee Bae

    C Witt Guest

    it is possible (though I don't know the setting)..

    works out of the box here (vanil 2K5)
    C Witt, Sep 22, 2004
  3. Cindee Bae

    Kelie Guest

    maybe no can do. only the other way around will work. i.e., if your line is in model space and i want to snap to its endpoint in paper space.

    if u have version 2004 or up, there is a command CHSPACE you can try. In addition, i remember Tony T. posted routine to convert coordinates between paper space and modelspace in a pviewport.
    Kelie, Sep 22, 2004
  4. Cindee Bae

    C Witt Guest

    I think cindee was just confusing the 2 spaces when she posted..
    naturally the first line would have to be drawn in model space, then the
    second in paper space (if done visa-versa there would be nothing to snap
    to.. and thus no chance for cad to not recognize a snap point)..

    but I could be wrong.. or not..
    C Witt, Sep 22, 2004
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