Orthogonal section view in MDT

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by hgyurika, Jan 31, 2005.

  1. hgyurika

    hgyurika Guest


    I would like to create an orthogonal section view in MDT by VBA, but I have a problem with it.
    I create the base view, and after that I would create the ortho section view, but my code is wrong.

    In my opinion the problem is with the sectioncutobjects variable.
    Here is my code:

    Dim parts As McadObjects
    parts = Util.CreateCollection(McadCollectionType.mcObjects)
    Mcad.ActiveDocument.Mode = McadDesignMode.mcDrawingMode
    Dim viewDesc As McadDrawingViewDescriptor
    viewDesc = Util.CreateDrawingViewDescriptor(McadViewType.mcBaseView)
    Dim id As McadDisplayType
    id = mcWireFrame
    'viewDesc.DisplayType = mcWireFrame
    viewDesc.DataSet = parts
    viewDesc.Label = "Base view"
    viewDesc.Location = Ge.Point(297 - 297 / 3, 210 / 2, 0)
    viewDesc.OrientationAxis = Anya.WorkAxes.Item(1) 'Anya is the active part
    viewDesc.OrientationAxisDirection = mcPositiveY
    viewDesc.OrientationPlane = Anya.WorkPlanes.Item(2)
    viewDesc.ViewScale = 1.0
    viewDesc.SectionType = mcSectionNone
    viewDesc.HiddenLinesCalculated = True
    viewDesc.HiddenLinesDisplayed = True
    Dim baseview As McadDrawingView
    baseview = Mcad.ActiveDocument.DrawingMgr.CreateView(viewDesc)

    Dim viewdescriportho As McadDrawingViewDescriptor
    viewdescriportho = Util.CreateDrawingViewDescriptor(McadViewType.mcOrthogonalView)
    viewdescriportho.ParentView = baseview
    viewdescriportho.Location = Ge.Point(297 / 3, 210 / 2, 0)
    viewdescriportho.Label = "Ortho"
    viewdescriportho_OrientationType = mcLeftOrientation
    viewdescriportho.SectionType = mcSectionFull
    'viewdescriportho.SectionLabel = "A-A"
    'viewDesc.SectionHatchOn = True
    viewDesc.HiddenLinesCalculated = True
    'viewdescriportho.HiddenLinesDisplayed = True
    viewdescriportho.ShowTapLines = True

    Dim orthoview As McadDrawingView
    orthoview = Mcad.ActiveDocument.DrawingMgr.CreateView(viewdescriportho)
    ' acadDoc.Plot.DisplayPlotPreview(AcPreviewMode.acFullPreview)

    If there is no section, the code works, but in case sectionfull the error message is:

    Generic failure to execute operation with provided arguments.

    if the viewdescriportho.sectioncutobjects=Anya.Workplanes.Item(1)

    the parameter is wrong.

    Another problem with the code the hidden lines are not displayed...

    Thanks for your answers!
    hgyurika, Jan 31, 2005
  2. hgyurika

    hgyurika Guest

    hgyurika, Feb 7, 2005
  3. You should post this message on "autodesk.mechanicaldesktop", hopefully
    someone there can help you.

    Roger Mollon
    MSD - Novi
    Autodesk Inc.
    Roger Mollon \(Autodesk\), Feb 7, 2005
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