Ordinate dims

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wayne Tiffany, Apr 15, 2005.

  1. SW2005 SP2.0

    It would appear that jogging of ordinate dimensions doesn't work quite
    properly to take dual dimensioning into account. If dual dimensioning is
    turned on with the dual on the top, then jogging doesn't space them out so
    they don't overlap. It also doesn't appear to matter whether you start with
    dual or turn it on later - it still ignores them for jogging purposes. Am I
    missing something obvious, or not so obvious? Has anyone turned this in if
    it's not just me?

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 15, 2005
  2. Wayne Tiffany

    McBurger Guest


    This bug has existed for years. They must know about it by now. Every
    version has had the same problem from day one. Another bug with ordinate is
    when you dim from the center of the part and work your way outward and the
    jog becomes all scrambled. That bug has been there from the start back when
    they added the ordinate jog feature I think around 1999.

    SW just don't seem very interested in fixing these things, and I think they
    need to get their shit together soon or else they are going start loosing
    customers like me. It's telling me something is wrong with the company.
    Too much time is getting wasted with these stupid kinds of bugs when all you
    really are looking is simple functions that work right.
    McBurger, Apr 15, 2005
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