Ordinate dim settings....

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Belman, Mar 22, 2005.

  1. Belman

    Belman Guest


    I use ordinate dimensioning a lot, but one thing that bugs me is that I
    am not able to find where to set the option for zero's decimal place
    holder. Zero is always displayed as ".0", but I would like it to match
    my drawing default setting (such as .00 or .000). I can't find
    anything in "Tools/Options/...." that allows me to change this setting.
    Can someone help & tell me where the setting is for zero on ordinate

    Thank you.
    Belman, Mar 22, 2005
  2. Belman

    Andrew Troup Guest


    The setting you need to change is under
    Tools/Options/Document Properties/Detailing/Trailing Zeroes

    If you set this to "Show", trailing zeroes will always be displayed,
    to the number dictated by the "precision" setting.

    The same setting works for ordinate dimensioning as for conventional
    dimensioning (at least, it did in 2003, haven't checked it with 2004 or

    Andrew Troup, Mar 22, 2005
  3. Belman

    Andrew Troup Guest


    Sorry, it never occurred to me that the post was about the ordinate datum
    I assumed it related to ordinate dimensions which were at a "round" number,
    like "20.00" in the following example.

    If either "Smart" or "Hide" trailing zeroes is set, and the precision is
    X.XX, you might see something like:


    If "Show" is set, and the precision is X.XX the result will be


    As you point out, in either case, the ordinate origin has to be manually
    edited to show trailing zeroes, and on re-reading the original post I think
    your interpretation is probably correct.

    I personally think it would be preferable for the datum origin to use
    trailing zeroes to show the underlying precision for the ordinate group, in
    cases where "Show" is set. Anyone who didn't like this could trim back the

    But I find it hard to get excited about small improvements like this when
    a) the workaround is manageable and
    b) so many big things are wrong.
    Andrew Troup, Mar 23, 2005
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