opus on KDE 3.55

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by SS, Jun 7, 2007.

  1. SS

    SS Guest

    Need some help in using opus on KDE.

    Recently migrated to linux and have difficulty in using opus on KDE.

    pop up dialog boxes from opus are hidden. Basically they dont appear
    on top of window rather appear behind it.

    How should I configure Xdefaults to automatically configure it to
    raise it above the topmost window.

    if it is not xdefaults what else should be changed
    SS, Jun 7, 2007
  2. SS

    Guest Guest

    I don't have a KDE session handy, but it is not X resources that control
    this, but the KDE control panel.

    I'll try to get to KDE session soon to answer more definitively, but there
    is a control in the KDE desktop controls for allowing these windows to be
    on top.

    Another alternative is to use GNOME instead.

    -Pete Zakel

    "You are tricky, but never to the point of dishonesty."
    Guest, Jun 7, 2007
  3. I get some of the same problems with pop-ups using Virtuoso on Solaris
    and KDE 3.4.1 The trouble is that it doesn't seem to be terribly
    consistent. I have functions with option windows set to pop up and
    usually they come up in front and steal focus while things like save
    dialogs and warnings tend to come up behind the design window. I've
    tried the different focus options (Control Center>Desktop>Window
    Behavior) but none of them has quite the same function as I used to have
    using XWindows and WindowMaker. Sorry this isn't much help really, just
    more problems.

    Stewart Smith, Jun 8, 2007
  4. SS

    S. Badel Guest

    This is a window manager issue. Previous posts on this group already
    detail this issue -look for "focus stealing".

    S. Badel, Jun 8, 2007
  5. SS

    Nicolas Guest

    We have encountered this issue in KDE 3.2 and higher in RHEL ...
    So far the fix is to do the following:

    Control Center --> Desktop --> Window Behavior
    Under the "Advanced" tab, set "Focus stealing prevention level" to

    This will fix the form pop-up problem with dfII, but it brings other
    inconveniences. If have a VNCviewer session in another desktop that
    requests attention, your KDE desktop will swith to the desktop that
    contains the VNC that requests attention.

    This is a KDE problem in my opinion. We are looking forward to try
    things in RHEL4 to see if the default KDE build has been fixed.

    Nicolas, Jun 8, 2007
  6. No, it is a Cadence problem. If Cadence would have written well-
    behaving programs, this would not be a problem.

    Feel free to move on to Gnome, but that is not solving the real
    problem, it is like pissing in your pants to keep warm. "Works for
    me", but for how long?

    Sorry for the intonation in the email, but only customers of Cadence
    (and maybe KKR) can force Cadence to behave well.
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Jun 10, 2007
  7. SS

    cadence Guest

    i use opus with kde and do not have this problem any more.
    You need to set the option so that you can click in a window
    without it popping to the front. When i click in a window, the click
    is passed to the application but the window stays exactly where it is.
    This works well with the opus tools. For example i can bring up
    the property list editor as the front window, and freely click
    in the schematic or layout selecting and moving objects around
    without the graphical window coming to the front and obscuring
    the property list editor.

    cadence, Jun 11, 2007
  8. SS

    Guest Guest

    Actually, if you do a google search you'll find there are other programs
    that have problems with KDE due to the way it misbehaves.

    -Pete Zakel

    "We call our dog Egypt, because in every room he leaves a pyramid."
    Guest, Jun 12, 2007
  9. SS

    SS Guest

    You are right. Its a cadence problem. However if I change focus
    stealing to non the problem is fixed.

    SS, Jun 12, 2007
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