Option File Working Test - BORROW_LOWWATER to disable borrowing

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Collyer, Jan 19, 2005.

  1. John Collyer

    John Collyer Guest

    Ok more option file fun...

    I am trying to test if my option file is working. I was hoping that by
    setting the BORROW_LOWWATER option to ether the max or minimum value of
    our license quantity, I should be able to prevent borrowing. This is
    just a short test to make sure I get the option file working. By
    reviewing my log file I believe the BORROW_LOWWATER has loaded. Mis
    naming this option to BORROW_LOW_WATER show no record of loading
    something in the log file. But setting this option to 0 or 10 (our # of
    licenses) I can always borrow a license. Shouldn't ether 0 or 10
    prevent me from borrowing a license?

    Here is the output from my LMTOOLS log:
    20:09:14 (lmgrd) pid 1016
    20:09:14 (lmgrd) Detecting other lmgrd processes...
    20:09:14 (lmgrd) Done rereading
    20:09:14 (lmgrd) FLEXlm (v9.22) started on Avs-eng-tester (IBM PC)
    20:09:14 (lmgrd) Copyright (c) 1988-2003 by Macrovision Corporation. All
    rights reserved.
    20:09:14 (lmgrd) US Patents 5,390,297 and 5,671,412.
    20:09:14 (lmgrd) World Wide Web: http://www.macrovision.com
    20:09:14 (lmgrd) License file(s):
    20:09:14 (lmgrd) lmgrd tcp-port 27000
    20:09:14 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemons ...
    20:09:14 (lmgrd) Starting vendor daemon at port 2080
    20:09:14 (lmgrd) Using vendor daemon port 2080 specified in license file
    20:09:14 (lmgrd) Started adskflex (pid 1568)
    20:09:14 (adskflex) Using options file:
    20:09:14 (adskflex) Server started on Avs-eng-tester for:
    20:09:14 (adskflex) BORROW_LOWWATER 46300ACD_2005_0F 10
    20:09:33 (adskflex) OUT: "46300ACD_2005_0F" user@avs-eng-tester

    Here is the partial output from my license file:
    VENDOR adskflex port=2080
    INCREMENT 46300ACD_2005_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent 10 \
    VENDOR_STRING=commercial:permanent BORROW=720 SUPERSEDE \
    DUP_GROUP=UH ISSUED=18-Jan-2005

    Seams like the BORROW=720 is a 30 day borrow limit, changing it breaks
    the license. Some comment from Autodesk's KB (
    ) states you can disable borrowing? Can you re enable it with different

    I am trying to test that I can set a limit to how many borrowed licenses
    can be taken at one time. I hoped limiting the borrowing to none with 0
    or reserving all with 10 would demonstrate this. There was some
    confusion in this NG if BORROW_LOWWATER was a max open or min reserved
    licenses value. Is there any resolution?

    Any idea why or how my test failed?

    John Collyer, Jan 19, 2005
  2. John Collyer

    John Collyer Guest

    Ok I think I found my own answer in a earlier thread. Just didn't do
    enough searching in this NG...

    John Collyer, Jan 19, 2005
  3. I am really having trouble getting my options file started. I created it and placed it just as the manager instructions said to however I can't get the license manager to reference it. Would you be up for sharing you options file? I would like to see if I am maybe doing something wrong or whatever. . . . just about to rip my hair out! thanks for any help you may be able to give me. Here is a copy of what I created.
    DOMINICK_GALLEGOS, Feb 15, 2005
  4. I can't comment directly on your OPT file setting, because I chose to take
    Jerry's suggestion and create a group for the borrow rather than tying it to
    a single user.

    However to get the license manager to recognize the OPT file you have to
    include a reference to it in the LIC file.

    I have the following syntax to do that in the LIC file:

    VENDOR adskflex port=2080 options=adskflex.opt
    INCREMENT 46300ACD_2005_0F adskflex 1.000 permanent ...

    So the OPT file looks like this:

    GROUP ACADBORROW AspecificUser
    BORROW_LOWWATER 46300ACD_2005_0P 2
    MAX_BORROW_HOURS 46300ACD_2005_0P 720
    TIMEOUT 46300ACD_2005_0P 5400

    I suspect too that your reference to 'Autodesk_f1' isn't correct in your OPT

    You should be receiving some errors in the Log if the OPT file isn't formed
    Richard Henley, Feb 16, 2005
  5. John Collyer

    patweaver Guest

    Thanks Richard. I've been trying to get this working and everytime i do more research I find something else that I was supposed to do. It would be nice if this could all be in one document in the KB.
    patweaver, Feb 17, 2005
  6. I agree, and the directions given from the License Manager are kind've a pain to use. I don't have a broad background in programming so that is probably where the problem is. . .
    DOMINICK_GALLEGOS, Feb 17, 2005
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