Opps I'm in trouble!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by abc, Jun 29, 2005.

  1. abc

    abc Guest

    Was messing around with 2006 and accidentally saved and converted a bunch of
    production files with no backups. Now I'm forced into using it for
    production stuff. As I work on things and save them, it's like having a
    virus on your computer, because I end up saving more 2005 files and
    converting them. It just keeps going on and on!

    Just hope I can squeak by until 2006 is released. How much longer do you
    think we going to have to wait?

    Seems like every year they come with a new version, I make the same mistake.
    I'm bumming dude!
    abc, Jun 29, 2005
  2. abc

    MM Guest

    Then "DON"T DO THAT". You need to be more organized.

    Copy out the files you wan't to test with in a specific local folder.

    MM, Jun 29, 2005
  3. abc

    TOP Guest

    I couldn't pick up this one on Google so I'm replying to you Mark.

    This guy got into quicksand and quickly did all the wrong things.

    1. No backups???? Talk about living dangerously.
    2. Converted files and disregarded the checkbox that allows a backup to
    be made automatically.
    3. Didn't read any of the many warnings in the software and on the news
    4. Didn't understand that PreRelease means pre-release. Fortunately SW
    rarely if ever makes PreRelease files incompatible with the released
    versions. It is however more likely with a PreRelease that some file
    corruption might occur.
    5. Keeps going even after he knows he's screwed. This is the quicksand
    panic trap. As soon as he noticed what he was doing he should have
    stopped in his tracks, backed up everything and made a list of what was
    converted and what wasn't. Assemblies are pretty easy to recreate and
    parts can be washed through parasolid/feature works/autodimension
    treatments to get back what he had with relatively little effort.

    Betcha a box of donuts this guy still hasn't backed up anything. If he
    has a Palm Pilot or Office, why not set an appointment that goes off
    next year around this time telling himself not to do it?

    If you think I'm being too harsh I'll be a little harsh on myself and
    wonder why I keep supporting software that can not interoperate with
    itself and has spent more in development on reading other vendor's
    files (Pro/E) than it's own. Aside from the backup comments this guy
    shouldn't be in this pickle in the first place.
    TOP, Jun 30, 2005
  4. abc

    John Layne Guest

    I set up my machine to dual boot
    1/ work
    2/Beta testing (using system commander)

    John Layne
    John Layne, Jun 30, 2005
  5. I went to the 2006 launch yesterday and had to laugh at SW's AutoCAD plugin
    that allows AutoCAD users to open older versions of DWG files. They were
    bragging about how the plugin was giving Autodesk a headache and money
    loss - how long before someone clever writes us a backward-open plugin for
    SW????? Hopefully it will give SW a loss of sales too....
    Lee Bazalgette - Factory, Jun 30, 2005
  6. abc

    TOP Guest

    1. SW does not disclose their file format other than it is structured
    2. SW files seem to be object oriented as opposed to ACAD files which
    seem to be geometry oriented. So what is saved in a SW file is based on
    the current structure of SW objects. It is like a house of cards. How
    many times has a little file corruption made a SW file totally
    unusable. In ACAD you can take away one part and still have most of the
    3. SW files contain a lot of "junk" that ACAD files don't have. Display
    lists, versions of the solid bodies, etc. How these all interact is not

    Think of SW files like a chain. Take away a link and the chain can't
    hold anything nor can you replace the missing link. Think of ACAD files
    like a box of chocolates, take away one and you can still enjoy the
    TOP, Jun 30, 2005
  7. abc

    abc Guest

    I think to a degree, the file changes in different versions of SW is very
    intentional. My reason for believing this is how they can change file types
    among pre-releases. It would seem that you wouldn't want to do this as your
    working the bugs out, but yet they do. I bet it's something they do during
    the compile process. I think it's partly a security reason with the
    pre-releases so they can't be used with the production software.

    I think they have more control over this situation than they want us to
    abc, Jun 30, 2005
  8. abc

    TOP Guest

    They change things because they really aren't changing geometry, but
    data structures.

    Consider this mind experiment.

    1. Model four cubes by creating the first cube and then starting a
    sketch on two faces of that cube that have a common edge, convert the
    faces and extrude then pick one of the faces of the two new cubes that
    also have that edge in common and repeat to get four cubes melded into

    2. Model four cubes by sketching a square, bisecting two edges that
    share a common vertex with normal so that you have four square areas.
    Using shared sketches extrude four cubes by picking squares in a
    clockwise rotation and letting them merge.

    3. Do the same as in 2, but pick squares that are diagonal first and
    then pick the others.

    4. Do the same as in 2, but with merge unchecked and combine bodies
    when done.

    Each of these gets to the same result and to some extent are ambiguous
    in how the final geometry is put together. Now consider how you will
    represent this in a file especially if you extend your thinking to the
    case where it is SW that picks the order the cubes are created. There
    is going to be a lot more in the file than just the geometry.
    TOP, Jun 30, 2005
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