Opening Autocad with visual basic

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by czugelder, Sep 15, 2004.

  1. czugelder

    czugelder Guest

    Is there a way to open up autocad from visual basic and then run a lisp routine. I want my lisp routine to create a drawing and then save it out.
    czugelder, Sep 15, 2004
  2. czugelder,

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    routine. I want my lisp routine to create a drawing and then save it out.
    Jason Piercey, Sep 15, 2004
  3. czugelder

    ECCAD Guest

    Basic Sub to call ACAD, run a script.
    In your script do:
    (load "mylispprogram.lsp")
    or such.

    Private Sub Call_AutoCAD()
    ' Notes: Variable ACADPath is Global
    ' Place 'script' name into Variable Script

    ' Call up AutoCAD and run the Script ecbatch

    Dim CkFile As String
    Dim MyAppID, ReturnValue
    Dim AcadExe As String
    Dim Script As String

    AcadExe = ACADPath & "\acad.exe"
    Script = "my_script_name" ' No .scr needed

    On Error Resume Next
    CkFile = ""
    CkFile = UCase$(Dir(AcadExe))

    If CkFile <> "ACAD.EXE" Then
    MsgBox "Could not locate ACAD.EXE,....Run my_script_name.scr in AutoCAD..", vbExclamation, "."
    GoTo NotFound
    End If

    If Dir(AcadExe, "") Then
    Me.WindowState = vbMinimized
    MyAppID = Shell(AcadExe & " /b " & Script & "", 1) ' Run Acad, and script
    AppActivate MyAppID ' Run ACAD and Script...
    End If


    ' And Exit program

    End Sub

    Bob Shaw
    ECCAD, Sep 15, 2004
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