OpenDWG (DWGDirectX) Polyline Coordinates

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by ksopenuser, Jul 14, 2004.

  1. ksopenuser

    ksopenuser Guest

    Hi, I have recently recieved access to the openDWG libraries.
    I am using the DirectX version of the lib (DWGDirectX).

    I want to create a PolyLine (or 3DPolyLine), with a number of
    There is no problem in creating an array, and inserting points.

    The problem is that the only representation of these vertices, that I
    may set/get is of type double. This makes it impossible for me to set
    any extended data on the vertices.

    I looked up Od­Db2d­Polyline::­append­Vertex in the C++ documentation,
    and it clearly states: "OdDbObjectId
    OdDb2dPolyline::appendVertex(OdDb2dVertex* pVertex)". Now, looking up
    OdDb2dVertex, finding that it is derived (among others) from the type
    "OdDbObject". The class OdDbObject has a method named setXData(...),
    but how do I get an OdDb2Vertex in the DirectX lib?

    It seems that the DirectX version of the library is hiding some
    information, since the vertices are clearly NOT of type double.

    Have I overlooked something? Or is there a way around it (other than
    using the C++ libs directly)?

    I have tried to load a DWG with extended data on the vertices, and
    then saving it again, using DWGDirectX. This reveals that the extended
    data is preserved through the DWGDirectX lib.

    Any info/help on the subject would be appreciated.

    Regards, Kenneth
    ksopenuser, Jul 14, 2004
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