OpenDoc6 from C++

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rich, May 7, 2004.

  1. Rich

    Rich Guest

    I am working on an external C++ module to load SolidWorks with a
    specified Drawing, and then perform operations on it. A VB versoin
    seems to work ok, but from C++ (.net version 7.1.3088), I don't get
    valid returns from the OpenDoc6 call.

    The symptoms I see are that SolidWorks starts (appears in Task
    Manager), grows somewhat in memory usage when the OpenDoc6 call is
    made, but then exits after a few moments. The OpenDoc6 call returns
    hres of S_OK, zero values in the error or warning values, and a null
    value for the IModelDoc2 return pointer.

    Code snippet is as follows:

    CComPtr<ISldWorks> swApp;
    CComPtr<IModelDoc2> swModel;
    HRESULT hres = swApp.CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(SldWorks), NULL,
    if (hres != S_OK)
    { cout << "Error starting a SolidWorks session. Exiting..." << endl;
    swApp = NULL; //release COM references
    return 1;
    long qErrs = 0;
    long qWarn = 0;
    hres = swApp->OpenDoc6( L"C:\\tmp.SolidWorks\\Tutor1.SLDDRW",
    swOpenDocOptions_Silent |
    &swModel );

    If I substitute get_IActiveDoc2 for OpenDoc6, and use an existing
    instance of SolidWorks, the sample code seems to work ok.

    Anybody else been successful in using OpenDoc6 from an external C++
    Rich, May 7, 2004
  2. all I can say is that it works from within an add-in.

    stupid (friday) questions :

    1) are you sure the file exists ? (there is no FileDoesntExist

    2) did you try without the Silent option ?
    Philippe Guglielmetti, May 7, 2004
  3. Rich

    Rich Guest

    2) Yes, I'm sure the file exists, the strangest part is that both the
    warning and error variables are left with a zero value, and the hres
    return value is S_OK. But SolidWorks then exits<sigh>.

    I'll try without the silent option.
    Rich, May 7, 2004
  4. Rich

    Rich Guest

    SolidWorks support supplied the answer to this, you can't pass literal
    strings in this api. Needed to have set up the test call as follows:

    CComBSTR bsFile(_T("C:\\tmp.SolidWorks\\Tutor1.SLDDRW")) ;
    CComBSTR bsConfig (_T("")) ;
    hres = swApp->OpenDoc6( bsFile,
    | swOpenDocOptions_ReadOnly,
    &swModel );

    Works fine now...
    Rich, May 10, 2004
  5. ouch! how much time lost on such a stupid / incoherent problem ?
    Move to a real OO standard clean API wrapper : ;-)
    Philippe Guglielmetti, May 10, 2004
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