Open SW files in Inventor?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cadout, Apr 6, 2007.

  1. cadout

    cadout Guest

    I've never used Inventor before, but I'm wondering if you can open SW
    parts/assemblies/drawings in Inventor. If so, how? I work primarily
    with SW and have a customer who works primarily in Inventor.
    cadout, Apr 6, 2007
  2. cadout

    Bo Guest

    Export as Unigraphics Parasolid, or ACIS format which will get the
    parts in as dumb solids, and thus no easy editing.
    Bo, Apr 6, 2007
  3. cadout

    Mark Guest

    I don't have any experience with this myself, but as it's been an hour
    and nobody's given a response (maybe all the knowledgeable regulars
    have taken Good Friday off?) I can at least try and point you in the
    right direction... here's a recent discussion about this in one of
    the other forums:

    My assumption would have been to use a neutral file format (STEP /
    IGES / ACIS), but according to that thread (and the Help), SWX can
    open Inventor files. Either way, as Bo mentioned after I started this
    post, you wind up with a dumb solid...

    Mark, Apr 6, 2007
  4. cadout

    Mark Guest

    Oops...I realized right after I posted that I misread your question
    and you want to go the other way. Good thing someone who knows how to
    read beat me to answering =).
    Mark, Apr 6, 2007
  5. cadout

    Nev Williams Guest

    Nev Williams, Apr 8, 2007
  6. cadout

    mather.jd Guest

    Autodesk Inventor will not read native SWX files. You must save in a
    neutral file format. I suggest STEP, then ACIS (but you must set
    Options to r7) or IGES. The feature history tree will be lost but the
    solid editing tools can still be used.

    Autodesk Inventor Certified Expert
    Certified SolidWorks Professional
    mather.jd, Apr 8, 2007
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