Open GL option

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Philbrick.GR, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. Philbrick.GR

    Philbrick.GR Guest

    I had a display issue with solidwork 08 while running it on vista.
    However, this problem was corrected by checking the "Software Open GL"
    tab found under the options tab. I was wondering if there was any
    disadvantage to running in this mode permanently. Right now my video
    card is a less than desirable Radeon 1650, but works with this Open GL
    option checked. So basically my question is, should I upgrade to a
    Quadro or newly approved ATI FireGL, or can I simply keep running it
    in this Open GL option w/ negligible performance limitations

    Philbrick.GR, Sep 27, 2007
  2. Not negligible. What you are telling the system is that the video card isn't
    up to the task, so use the main processor to control all the screen
    activity. With a proper video card, the screen processing is controlled by
    the card, thereby allowing the main processor to work on everything else.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 27, 2007
  3. Philbrick.GR

    PotFlower Guest

    The setting is "use software opengl" on the Performance tab. It is just
    disabling your video card hardwar altogether, and replacing it with
    software. If you just had a radeon, you won't notice any differnce,
    proly. Both slowern hell. Radeom proly crashers more. Only upgrade if
    the graphics are too slow for you and you got work to do and your on

    PotFlower, Sep 27, 2007
  4. Philbrick.GR

    Philbrick.GR Guest

    fair enough, thanks a bunch
    Philbrick.GR, Sep 28, 2007
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