Open dwg as read-only

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Matt W, Aug 18, 2004.

  1. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    With SDI set to 0, when I run the following, the drawing is opened as
    ThisDrawing.Application.Documents.Open "z:\mw\test.dwg", True

    With SDI set to 1, the help file says...
    When working in SDI mode, use the Open method from the Document object.
    ThisDrawing.Open "z:\mw\test.dwg"

    The drawing opens but not READ-ONLY.

    I'm sure it's something that I'm doing, or NOT doing... after all, it is
    getting late.

    My goal is to open the drawing as read-only when SDI is set to 1.

    Thanks in advance.
    Matt W, Aug 18, 2004
  2. Matt W

    Joe Sutphin Guest

    Application.Documents.Open "<Filename path", True

    Joe Sutphin, Aug 19, 2004
  3. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    It doesn't work. With SDI set to 1, I get a "Object doesn't support this
    property or method" error message.
    For what it's worth, I'm using 2005.

    Matt W

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
    | Application.Documents.Open "<Filename path", True
    | Joe
    | --
    | | > With SDI set to 0, when I run the following, the drawing is opened as
    | > read-only....
    | > ThisDrawing.Application.Documents.Open "z:\mw\test.dwg", True
    | >
    | > With SDI set to 1, the help file says...
    | > When working in SDI mode, use the Open method from the Document object.
    | > ThisDrawing.Open "z:\mw\test.dwg"
    | >
    | > The drawing opens but not READ-ONLY.
    | >
    | > I'm sure it's something that I'm doing, or NOT doing... after all, it is
    | > getting late.
    | >
    | > My goal is to open the drawing as read-only when SDI is set to 1.
    | >
    | >
    | > Thanks in advance.
    | >
    | > --
    | > Matt W
    | >
    | > The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its
    | >
    | >
    Matt W, Aug 19, 2004
  4. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    Well, that's interesting...
    It didn't work the first time, but now it does. Maybe just a hiccup in the

    Anyhoo... It DOES work, BUT..... when it opens the drawing, it isn't
    Why is that?? And how do I MAKE it read-only?

    Thanks in advance!

    Matt W

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.

    | Joe:
    | It doesn't work. With SDI set to 1, I get a "Object doesn't support this
    | property or method" error message.
    | For what it's worth, I'm using 2005.
    | --
    | Matt W
    | The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
    | | | Application.Documents.Open "<Filename path", True
    | |
    | | Joe
    | | --
    | |
    | | | | > With SDI set to 0, when I run the following, the drawing is opened as
    | | > read-only....
    | | > ThisDrawing.Application.Documents.Open "z:\mw\test.dwg", True
    | | >
    | | > With SDI set to 1, the help file says...
    | | > When working in SDI mode, use the Open method from the Document
    | | > ThisDrawing.Open "z:\mw\test.dwg"
    | | >
    | | > The drawing opens but not READ-ONLY.
    | | >
    | | > I'm sure it's something that I'm doing, or NOT doing... after all, it
    | | > getting late.
    | | >
    | | > My goal is to open the drawing as read-only when SDI is set to 1.
    | | >
    | | >
    | | > Thanks in advance.
    | | >
    | | > --
    | | > Matt W
    | | >
    | | > The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its
    | limits.
    | | >
    | | >
    | |
    | |
    Matt W, Aug 19, 2004
  5. Matt,

    While in SDI, you are supposed to use the Open method from the Document
    object, not the Documents collection (according to the docs; that might be
    dated info). And the ReadOnly argument is not supported on the Document.Open

    So before you use the Open method, open the file for appending, then use the
    Open method, and close the file post-open.

    R. Robert Bell

    Well, that's interesting...
    It didn't work the first time, but now it does. Maybe just a hiccup in the

    Anyhoo... It DOES work, BUT..... when it opens the drawing, it isn't
    Why is that?? And how do I MAKE it read-only?

    Thanks in advance!
    R. Robert Bell, Aug 19, 2004
  6. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    Yeah... that's what I saw in the help file (*cough* "real men don''t read
    docs" *cough*)
    You lost me here. Mind elaborating on this one a bit?
    Matt W, Aug 19, 2004
  7. Sub Test()
    Dim myFileN As String
    myFileN = "C:\Temp\~17IT.dwg"
    Open myFileN For Append Lock Write As #1
    ThisDrawing.Open myFileN
    Close #1
    End Sub

    R. Robert Bell

    Yeah... that's what I saw in the help file (*cough* "real men don''t read
    docs" *cough*)
    You lost me here. Mind elaborating on this one a bit?
    R. Robert Bell, Aug 19, 2004
  8. Matt W

    Matt W Guest

    Thanks, Robert!

    Matt W

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
    | Sub Test()
    | Dim myFileN As String
    | myFileN = "C:\Temp\~17IT.dwg"
    | Open myFileN For Append Lock Write As #1
    | ThisDrawing.Open myFileN
    | Close #1
    | End Sub
    | --
    | R. Robert Bell
    | | Yeah... that's what I saw in the help file (*cough* "real men don''t read
    | docs" *cough*)
    | > open the file for appending
    | You lost me here. Mind elaborating on this one a bit?
    | --
    | Matt W
    Matt W, Aug 20, 2004
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