open drawing with all images unloaded

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by pdb, Feb 10, 2004.

  1. pdb

    pdb Guest


    Does anyone know if there is a way to open a drawing with all images unloaded ?
    I have many drawings with multiple large images in the drawing, somethimes it takes 15 min. before the drawing is open.
    I already use partial open and the option "unload all xrefs on open". A option unload all images on open should be very helpfull !
    I have a Autocad 2002 version, does 2004 have something more on partial open ?

    Peter Debrauwere
    pdb, Feb 10, 2004
  2. How about: simply unload them and than save the drawing?
    What would be the difference when your drawing is open and you need the
    image to reload it because you unloaded it on startup or reload it because
    you unloaded it?

    Keep it simple, the more options, settings, buttons etc. the more can go


    it takes 15 min. before the drawing is open.
    option unload all images on open should be very helpfull !
    Jan van de Poel, Feb 10, 2004
  3. pdb

    Joe Burke Guest


    Up front, my experience with ObjectDBX is very limited. Maybe a program to open the
    files using ObjectDBX, unload the images and save. Opening a file with DBX is
    typically very fast. I guess because there's no graphics processing involved. Sounds
    like that's the problem.

    Others here may offer advice on how to, assuming it's possible.

    Joe Burke

    15 min. before the drawing is open.
    unload all images on open should be very helpfull !
    Joe Burke, Feb 10, 2004
  4. Hi,
    I suppose putting your images in an XREF might work.

    Copyright (c)2004 Tony Tanzillo
    Unauthorized reproduction expressly prohibited.
    Tony Tanzillo, Feb 10, 2004
  5. pdb

    pdb Guest

    I don't have to reload the image, but i must keep the image path.
    I only want to reduce the startup time for my drawings.
    pdb, Feb 10, 2004
  6. pdb

    pdb Guest

    The concerning drawings are all existing drawings.
    I still have to take the time for opening a first time and manipulate.
    But for new drawings youre hit could be useful.
    pdb, Feb 10, 2004
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