Open dialog columns

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Josh, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. Josh

    Josh Guest

    I want to have the Owner and Attributes column appear everytime I use the
    Open/Save/Saveas dialogs. I can set the columns in the current session and
    AutoCAD remembers my settings but they are lost on restart. I have Quikpik
    but it doesn't help here. Anyone know of some secret registry tricks or

    WinXP Pro

    Josh, Jun 3, 2004
  2. Josh, AutoCAD will match whatever columns you have set in your Windows
    Explorer, so set them there and they will show in Open, SaveAS etc. dialogs.
    This is because these dialogs actually are modified by AutoCAD instance of
    Windows Explorer (a.k.a. Internet Explorer ;-)
    John Georgiev, Jun 3, 2004
  3. Josh

    Josh Guest

    Hmmm...I can't get that to work consistently. I have a couple of extra
    columns in WinExplorer (Attributes and Owner). At one point I was
    consistently getting two extra columns in the Acad Open dialog but they were
    Dimensions and Date Picture Taken. I've no idea why because I didn't pick
    either of those anywhere at any time. After a reboot those two columns
    disappeared and Acad still won't reflect the columns I chose in Explorer
    even after a second reboot.
    Josh, Jun 3, 2004
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