Open Call for Contributors

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Frank Oquendo, Aug 21, 2003.

  1. will soon be relaunched with a new look and a new name. Robert
    Bell, Bobby Jones and myself are currently seeking additional
    contributing partners. This time around, we're expanding our scope to
    include all AutoCAD products and will cover a variety of topics from
    customization to productivity tips, how-to's and tutorials.

    If you would like to actively participate and help to reinvent one of
    the net's best customization sites, please send an email to myself,
    Robert of Bobby. You'll find our email addresses in the Feedback section
    of our site.

    Please be sure to mention your area of expertise and what type of
    content you wish to supply (customization, end-user tutorials, etc.). As
    always, authors will receive full credit and retain all rights to their
    Frank Oquendo, Aug 21, 2003
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