online plastic part quote tool

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by arif, Mar 21, 2005.

  1. arif

    arif Guest

    Once a plastic part is designed in SW, is there an online utility/tool
    that would provide a ballpart cost for the part? I doubt it, but was
    just curious. Thanks in advance.
    arif, Mar 21, 2005
  2. arif

    Bo Guest

    It has been my experience that every designer makes up his own
    spreadsheet with his own common materials and can then plug in machine
    $/hr rate, # of cavities, cycle time, part weight, runner weight and
    out pops a reasonable estimate for the molding and material cost.

    Tooling cost is another world.

    Bo, Mar 22, 2005
  3. arif

    arif Guest

    Thanks, Bo. That is what I assumed.

    SW got it pretty much upto modeling the process using MoldFlow Express.
    I wondered if anybody was planning to go past that to costing.

    Tooling, yes, that is another -scary- world.

    Thanks again.

    arif, Mar 22, 2005
  4. arif

    podmore Guest

    Try Quickparts.

    I have logged on and played around with it a bit. It may give you the
    ball parking number you are looking for.

    podmore, Mar 30, 2005
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