One more SolidMentor Post

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ben, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Ok the site is nearly working the way I want it to and I have opened
    everything up to the general public to view. You will need to login to

    I have also added a wish list section...When it existed before, I forget
    where the url is but it is no longer, it got a lot of attention and
    traffic. I still see people ask for something like that. It's like the
    SW enhancement list, but transparent so everybody can see the results. I
    hate this bunk where you throw information down a hole in the ground and
    you never hear back from it until it shows up in the software in the
    form of a bad compromise between competing ideas.

    Also to sweeten the pot I have two signed copies of the SolidWorks Bible
    by Matt Lombard. Current membership is close to 500 so the 500th and
    600th signed up and confirmed members to SolidMentor will get a copy.
    Trust me when I say More to come....


    p.s. Trolls.... Fire away, give me your best shot....
    Ben, Oct 18, 2007
  2. Ben

    jon_banquer Guest

    p.s. Trolls.... Fire away, give me your best shot....

    Your forums are still totally dead. No new posts in your Parts,
    Assemblies or Drawings Forums.

    Last post in your Parts Forum 9/26

    Last post in your Assemblies Forum 9/10

    Last post in Drawings Forum 9/15

    Almost all the posts in your forums are done by your moderators Gill
    DeAngeles, Matt Lombard and yourself.

    One unique thing about your Forums is that I've never seen anyone kiss
    Matt Lombard's ass like you do, Ben. One would almost think you two
    are lovers.

    Why do you think you're having such a hard time getting anyone to post
    there? Think it might have something to do with you're lame approach
    of trying to steal users from this newsgroup?

    Give Gill DeAngeles / Guido my best and tell him he's welcome to come
    back here and make physical threats against me any time. ;>)

    BTW, how's that IP banning thing working out for you ? ;>)
    jon_banquer, Oct 18, 2007
  3. Ben

    Cliff Guest

    This from the clueless idiot that was always trying to get Usenet posters
    to move to BBS systems HE touted (and always got banned from
    Pretty funny <G>.
    AND still clueless.
    Cliff, Oct 18, 2007
  4. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Snif snif... awwwwww has jon ben banned?

    Hey seeing as it is your home town are you going to SWW? Come and say
    hi, I would like to meet you and see if you are nearly as much a jerk in
    Ben, Oct 18, 2007
  5. Ben

    Cliff Guest

    Watch out for a guy with a briefcase (and keep an eagle eye
    on any you may have) ....
    For humor have him give a "presentation".
    Cliff, Oct 18, 2007
  6. Ben

    ChamberPot Guest

    Jealousy is an ugly thing.
    I know, I know!! Its because you arent there to doll out the truth! If
    he lets jon in, they will come.

    Didnt you post a threat against somebody at the sandiego conference?
    I'll bet you get threats all the time. Must be cause of all the truth
    you doll out.

    No, jon, the question is how is it working for YOU!

    ChamberPot, Oct 18, 2007
  7. Ben

    Ben Guest


    I honestly think you do have a lot to add to the community some days and
    you do have some good tips and such but why the attitude?

    Ben, Oct 18, 2007
  8. Ben

    jon_banquer Guest

    Lots of reasons none of which helps you build traffic on your website
    which seems to be the only reason you're posting to
    comp.cad.solidworks and alt.machines.cnc so lets talk about that since
    it seems that's what you really want to do. IMO, to build traffic and
    get people to want post on SolidMentor you have to have people or a
    person to start who ask(s) a lot of specific SolidWorks questions that
    attract the attention of less frequent posters who then want to join
    in. I happen to ask a ton of questions on Eng-Tips (not in my name)
    because the people who I think do the best job answering my questions
    are there. Two in particular seem to live to answer questions. The
    first one and by far the most articulate SolidWorks user for me is
    CorBlimeyLimey. He is someone who should be writing a book or doing
    videos. He's fucking awesome and incredibly articulate / clear. The
    second is Jeff Mirisola. Jeff Mirisola is not as articulate but is
    often very helpful and like CorBlimeyLimey he loves to answer
    questions. I feel SolidMentor needs the combination of someone who
    loves to post questions and has lots of questions to post and people
    like CorBlimeyLimey and Jeff Mirisola who live to answer questions to
    make your website really take off. I happened to be banned at Eng-
    Tips. Been kicked out several times when I used my own IP address.
    Made no difference. I was back in a heartbeat under another name and
    IP address. Didn't faze me in the least because as you're smart enough
    to know you can't lock down a site if someone's got a clue about IP
    addresses and where to get them. On Usenet, I find it even more fun to
    not hide my IP address and make it obvious when I wish to **** with

    So what kind of question would I ask if I asked questions about
    SolidWorks, here? Hmmmm... I've thought about this question for a long
    time. When I used VX someone once asked me if VX could drive multiple
    parts with one sketch. I asked my contact at VX. He said no but they
    would add it and liked the idea and asked me what I would use it for.
    I had no idea so I asked the person who asked me if VX supported this
    and never got an answer. I once asked again and was made to feel like
    an idiot (He maybe right in this specific area. I may very well be an
    idiot because I can't see where this would be used for anything I do
    but I'm still curious.) I love to ask questions about SolidWorks. I
    just don't do it here because of the environment and because I'm very
    picky about whom I want to answer my questions. I obviously want
    CorBlimeyLimey and Jeff Mirisola answering my questions. I do admit to
    finding the humor in all this because Jeff Mirisola doesn't like me at
    all and I'm not sure but I don't think CorBlimeyLimey and I have had
    any contact on Usenet.

    So does any of this help, Ben?

    So you don't think I'm avoiding your stated question it might take me
    days to answer why I have an attitude. I will say this. I don't have
    one toward Solidworks anymore and I don't have any issues with Mark
    Biasotti anymore. I most certainly do have a problem with Matt Lombard
    but I'm not going to go into specifics unless you want them as I tried
    hard to keep this post positive based on you giving me a chance to
    explain myself without a negative attack against me. I'm not sure how
    I feel about the compliment you gave me. I don't take compliments well
    and I'm not here for compliments.

    Thanks for the opportunity,
    jon_banquer, Oct 19, 2007
  9. Ben

    jon_banquer Guest

    Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I'll be there. You & I go way
    back and
    It's got to be a Chevy's Mexican restaurant that serves pepperoni
    pizza. Good luck finding one. If you do it might help to make a more
    viable story than the one posted by FlowerPot / PotFlower /

    The gun laws are more favorable in Arizona. Is there some reason they
    never hold SWW in Arizona? ;>)

    I still remember your hate mail. Easily the best / most nasty one I
    ever got. All the rest I've gotten over the years were candy-assed
    compared to that one. I still twinge but I've been over it for years.
    Boy were you fucking pissed with the God Of CADCAM.

    I'll tell you what I really miss at this point is not using KeyCreator
    and not having the chance to have a much more positive dialog with
    Dana Hauge. I like Dana.

    Hope you're busy / happy.
    jon_banquer, Oct 19, 2007
  10. Ben

    jon_banquer Guest

    "ben banned"... I like that.

    I'm much more of a jerk in person. ;>)
    jon_banquer, Oct 19, 2007
  11. Ben

    Joe788 Guest

    Just curious here. What happened in the last 17 months that changed
    your opinion from this:

    "Without a doubt SaladWorks is a complete piece of shit" - Jon Banquer
    - May 21, 2006
    Joe788, Oct 19, 2007
  12. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Now you see that is the stuff I am talking about. Great advice and duly
    noted. I haven't had a whole lot of constructive criticism and this is
    AWESOME stuff to work with. THANK YOU! I am not sucking up, I am not
    brown nosing or anything like that to you, so don't take it that way. I
    merely give credit where credit is due, so few people do it these days
    that they confuse it with the latter.... You can ask anyone that knows
    me that I am the kind of person that I compliment a lot (and joke a
    lot), that is my nature.

    I have only one request / piece of advice for you. You are a smart guy
    with strong opinions and that is fine but don't make yourself look like
    a less than smart guy by slinging un-related, and poor taste insults at
    people. It makes it hard for people to take you seriously. I know others
    have done exactly that to you and I am sure I even have in the past been
    rude and childish to you. That does not mean you need to stoop to that
    level, it means move on and forget the jerks. How about we chat on level
    ground and respect each other for what they are.

    I am friends with Jeff and he also is one of the brains behind
    SolidMentor. I am not sure you know that, He has been a outstanding help
    in getting the site ready for the general public and the major workhorse
    behind finding most if not all of the bugs for me. Thanks Jeff. Without
    a doubt I share your opinion that Jeff is one outstanding guy. I don't
    share your sentiments about Matt, but hey everyone is entitled to their
    opinion and I cannot fault you for that, but Matt is one I would
    consider a friend, now, as I don't fault you for not liking him I would
    hope you could do the same for me for liking him. Fair?

    Now that most of the bugs are out of the site I hope to get more
    questions which in turn may generate more people. You are right on the
    forum there is not that much traffic but the site is new and well you
    have to start somewhere. Also the sites concept was not based on the
    forum but I thought that it needed one. It is not the focus of my
    design. I also have little desire to "to steal users from this
    newsgroup" seeing as people have their own minds they can judge for
    themselves if my site is worth it. And they can participate in both the
    usenet and other sites just like I am sure you do and I do as well. More
    resources mean that you may get faster responses to your queries and or
    better quality answers. So if SolidMentor is not successful then that is
    a loss I will take. You don't go into stuff like this without the very
    real possibility of failure. I am prepared for that.

    Originally I made a blog aggregator. I have as many blogs as I can find
    or are submitted to a central location. The reason for this was that I
    was tired of jumping all over the net to find them and read I wanted
    them all in one spot. So I though I would share it with others that may
    feel the same way. Next I thought since I was going to do this then I
    would do some more, make a wiki that I hope will be the thing people
    come and participate in the most I see it as the most beneficial to
    everyone. Everything else that is there in my eyes is fluff but if you
    want to draw a good community then you have to cater to all sorts so I
    added a Wish list a sort of transparent enhancement request section,
    Weblinks for the sites I and others that participate can add about
    SolidWorks and Eng stuff that help them in their job. A calendar so
    people can see when Usergroups are active, but again not all of them are
    there I admit it I need the people who run them to submit the dates and
    for other Sw events.... Yadda yadda I am drifting off topic and now
    looking like I am pitching the site, I am, but that is not the intension
    of this post... I just wanted you to see what my intentions and logic
    behind SolidMentor was. But I digress...

    Jon yes I admit that you had a login and I am sure you have another at
    SM (SolidMentor) and that I blocked your IP, I was tired of you putting
    my site down on this usnet. So as what I thought would be revenge I
    blocked you. This was in poor taste and childish I admit. But plain mud
    slinging with no constructive reason why you felt the need to insult me
    on your part was my rational, still I should have seen though that and
    taken you for what you could do in the right circumstances. But you have
    done nothing at SM for me to cause me to ban you so I have lifted the
    ban. I am sure this means very little to you as you have been embittered
    by... well it seems everything, I am sorry for that the world is not
    nearly as bad as you seem to make it look sometimes.

    Anyhow I am rambling... in short thank you for your advice I do truly
    appreciate it. And thank you for showing me the real Jon, maybe just
    maybe there is a decent person behind all those harsh words....


    p.s. Even when you insulted me here, actually, especially when you
    insulted me here my sign up rate jumped at SolidMentor. So even when you
    were bashing me you were helping. Anyhow out of all the resources and
    people helping me make this site work you alone have brought more users
    to SolidMentor than any other. Thanks.
    Ben, Oct 19, 2007
  13. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Somehow I doubt that :) Bet you are actually nice.

    Funny I cant even type like I am tough without spelling things wrong....
    Then again I always spel tings wrong.

    Meh! what ever.
    Ben, Oct 19, 2007
  14. Ben

    Ben Guest

    One last thing. You, Jon, are welcome at SolidMentor. But if anyone
    goes off on a rant or starts making things uncomfortable they will be
    banned again and I will and the other moderators will keep shooting down
    the trolls as long as they are flying around.

    I am pretty sure this whole post will hurt my image and may even be my
    downfall as I am giving you a chance. I hope not but again it is in my

    Ben, Oct 19, 2007
  15. Ben

    Cliff Guest

    Perhaps from his own unpaid lawyers ...
    Cliff, Oct 19, 2007
  16. Ben

    Joe788 Guest

    Ben, you realize that this post is going to reinvigorate JB for at
    least another year, right? It's nice that you're trying to give him a
    chance, but you've gotta look at the facts here:

    -He mentioned that he posts under fake names at other websites.

    -He mentioned two knowledgeable people that you most likely already
    know are knowledgeable.

    -He mentioned that he's asked irrelevant questions about functions he
    doesn't use, and can't find a use for (albeit, "For somebody else.")

    That's it. His post had not other content whatsoever. It just seemed
    so much better than his typical posts because it wasn't littered with
    tirades about sodomy, incest, and fellatio.

    Either way, I'd honestly like to hear what changed between Solidworks
    2006 and 2007 that turned it from a "complete piece of shit" to a
    piece of software that Jonny Jihad demands every machine shop in
    America needs to own.
    Joe788, Oct 19, 2007
  17. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Very true but I still have the upper hand here. If he starts messing
    with SolidMentor he is out.
    Next is that regardless of fake names and IP's there are other ways both
    using my website and
    the others that are moderating the site to keep him out or at least at
    bay. You make some good points
    and maybe being nice is not so good, if this affects others I am sorry
    but I cannot change who I am.

    Ben, Oct 19, 2007
  18. Ben

    Cliff Guest

    Probably upped his meds for a day or so.
    Cliff, Oct 20, 2007
  19. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Bing bing bing!

    We have our first winner #500 just signed up. I have decided to sweeten
    the pot and add 2 more SolidWorks Bibles so that every 50th registered
    user gets one until #650 shows up. So we are at 48 more and counting to
    the next Bible

    Best Regards
    Ben, Oct 22, 2007
  20. Ben

    Cliff Guest

    Is he banned again?
    Cliff, Nov 8, 2007
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