One for Autodesk to look at in ADT2005

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by terencechatfielduk, Feb 4, 2004.

  1. I have been attempting to resolve a problem with plot styles, posted here last week, whereby ADT seems to use the path setting that is in the profile to find the plot styles, but then does not use the plot styles therein for plotting. The reason is naturally enough there is a bug in the program, whereby when ADT first loads up it looks in the registry at the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Autodesk\AutoCAD\R16.0\ACAD-204:409\Profiles\ArchitecturalDesktop\General and takes from the value PrinterStyleSheetDir the locationfor the plot styles. If that location is different from the location of the plot styles noted in the profile (See Tools>Options>Files etc) then ADT will use the .ctb files there to generate a list but will still look at the first registry location for the .ctb file of the same name when doing the print. If it isn't there then ADT uses the default plot table. Solution if any user has a custom location, is to make sure that either the locations (profile and registry) coincide, or to make sure that the same files are in both places. When checking I've found at least three places (our custom folder, the default profile folder and the different actual default location noted in Help) so it would seem the answer is really what suits the individual best.

    If that is all damned confusing to some users, then welcome to the wonderful wacky world of Autocad/ADT2004!
    terencechatfielduk, Feb 4, 2004
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