OLE Objects

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jeff Forsha, Jun 30, 2004.

  1. Jeff Forsha

    Jeff Forsha Guest

    Well, I'm not finding anything helpful on the Autodesk website (surprize
    surprize) that's helping me with this problem. I want to insert a Word
    document in autocad (as an OLE object) which is multiple pages long. I want
    to use the benefits of Word (line wrapping, columns, etc.) for creating
    sheet format specifications for architectural projects, as Autocad's text
    functions SUCK, but when I try to insert either a Word doc OLE or even an
    Excell OLE object, I only get a portion of the doc. Stretching the OLE
    object doesn't help, of course.I'm trying to determine whether or not the
    new version of Autocad resolved this problem or not, but cannot find any
    info. Any suggestions or knowledge would be appreciated. Thanks!
    Jeff Forsha, Jun 30, 2004
  2. It is a size limitation between Office and AutoCAD. If you have Office2003
    and AutoCAD2004, then the size limitation for Excel is done away with, but I
    believe the one with Word still is.
    John Michalik, Jun 30, 2004
  3. Jeff Forsha

    Tom Whatley Guest

    In the Word doc, go to page setup and increase the paper size to a max of
    22". If that's not enough, decrease your text size. It's a cumbersome
    work-around but one that works for Word. Excel is a different story. There
    is a limitation of the number of rows/columns so increasing page size only
    works to a degree.

    Tom Whatley, Jun 30, 2004
  4. Jeff Forsha

    Tom Whatley Guest

    Also, you can copy your Excel data into a Word table to get around the
    row/column limitation.
    Tom Whatley, Jun 30, 2004
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