Old Solidworks version

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John, Oct 16, 2008.

  1. John

    John Guest


    I'm wondering if there would be a LEGAL way to buy an old version
    (say 2000 ) of Solidworks for those that can't pay the latest one.

    I do insist that I want to legally buy an old version at discount


    John, Oct 16, 2008
  2. John

    tnik Guest

    I would contact a VAR and see what they could do for you..
    tnik, Oct 16, 2008
  3. John

    Engineer Guest


    Not sure if that might be availabe. May be you can get it from some
    one who wants to sell his old version.

    Engineer, Oct 17, 2008
  4. John

    tnik Guest

    But thats only if they don't use solidworks anymore.. the license
    numbers transfer from version to version, right?
    tnik, Oct 17, 2008
  5. John

    IYM Guest

    ....and I thought that license numbers were not transferable, right? So
    technically I don't think you can "legally" do that. I think the reason
    it's a no-no is that if I didn't use SWx anymore, but had a version of
    2001-plus and legally sold it to this guy for $50, couldn't he then pay the
    penalty to SWx for subscription service and get a new 2008 version for
    substantially less than if he just bought 2008 as a new customer?

    IYM, Oct 17, 2008
  6. If you can get the package, you still have another issue about service
    It's very doubtful that swx would/could come up with old service packs.
    some users may have them archived.
    I don't think you want to be using any swx release at sp0.0

    bill allemann, Oct 18, 2008
  7. most people have so much trouble with early sp's that they don't use a
    release in production until the final
    1 or 2 sp's. If you don't have problems, it may simply be a matter of
    whether or not your usage coincides
    with the issues that are fixed along the way. You may happen to not push
    swx on the issues with the problems.
    Certain (many) users run into show stopper problems and wait for the issues
    to be resolved before doing production work.
    An archive search on this newsgroup and will hit thousands of posts dealing
    with bugs, etc that later get fixed (again and again, unfortunately) on
    upcoming service packs.

    bill allemann, Oct 19, 2008
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