old solidworks batch print program

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sam, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. Sam

    Sam Guest

    Does anyone still have the old batch print program that solidworks
    had on their API download site at one time, before they released the
    Task Scheduler? If so please contact me, I would love to get a copy of
    that program. I am having a hard time batch printing with the task
    scheduler for some reason, it just hangs up for no apparent reason and
    says "In progress".

    Thanks, Sam
    Sam, Jul 13, 2005
  2. Sam

    Seth Renigar Guest

    I just deleted it from of an old archive about a week ago. Sorry.
    Seth Renigar, Jul 13, 2005
  3. Sam

    Ben Guest

    Ben, Jul 13, 2005
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