Old lisp routine no longer working in A2K4

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by tigerlily, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. tigerlily

    tigerlily Guest

    Ok, we're in the final stages of upgrading to A2K4 (don't ask - it's not pretty) and we've discovered that our old "comment log" doesn't automatically update anymore like it's supposed to. This is something that was created in-house before I came along, and I have no idea how to read/write lisp, so I'm turning to all of you for help. We insert this log into every drawing, and when you save or plot, it's supposed to automatically update the corresponding fields - date, time, person who saved and/or plotted. I believe it was originally created back in R14, has worked perfectly through A2K, but now no longer updates in A2K4. Help!!

    I've put the .dwg file "logblock.dwg" in the customer files, along with the "plotdate.lsp" file.

    tigerlily, Aug 12, 2004
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